Changeling 27

45 8 16

I woke up in my bed, someone had changed me into clean pajama, I tried not to think about it too much. My finger was even bandaged. A little note was on my bedside table;

Sorry for changing you in your sleep, but I thought you'd want to be clean & comfortable -Nan

At school, Clarissa had a wicked grin. I tried my best to ignore her. 'Don't provoke, pretend she isn't here' was my mantra.

I made sure not to be alone at any time possible so she didn't get an opportunity to try something; going to the bathroom with Erika, eating my lunch with the others and Kieran.

We took a table outside, enjoying a rare sunny day. In my second week in Seattle, I'd learned something about the weather: it's grim, cloudy, it rains often, but it doesn't seem to get much worse than light showers.

Erika was working on a piece of cloth.

"What are you working on?" I asked her.

"Homecoming is in just two weeks, and I'm gonna have the prettiest dress in school!"

"Are you getting a date?" I asked.


"Not even a friend?"

She paused, a finger on her lip. "Maybe I could bring Caleb."

"Who's Caleb?" Cassie asked.

"Just a friend, he goes to public school."


Cassie reached for her drink only to accidentally push her handbag off the picnic table. She reached for her bag only for a rabbit to come out of it; gray and white with lopped ears.

Everyone just looked at her.

"Did you bring a rabbit to school?"

"I didn't want him to get lonely." She picked him up and set him on her lap, petting it gently. "This is hip-hop."

"Don't rabbit poop a lot?" Kieran asked, looking at the bag with a grossed out grimace

"He's... toilet trained."

"You can do that with a rabbit?"

"Some of them..." Cassie said, looking a little cowed down. "Anyway, homecoming? Who's going with who?"

"I hadn't really thought about it," I said.

"Me neither," Amber said.

"Or me," Kieran added.

"You are the sorriest dateless losers ever," Kaitlyn joked, "I got a hot date."

"Oh, yeah, who is it?"

"That's a secret," she winked.

"Pfft, don't believe you one bit," Cassie said. She took her rabbit in her arms. "Maybe Hip-hop can be my date!"

"I can already see the headline; crazy highschool girl brings rabbit to homecoming dance!"

"Shush you."

I smirked at their little banter, it reminded me of my siblings and I. Even though I'd seen them just two days before, I missed them.


Much to my relief, Clarissa didn't try anything that day. She was still in crutches, so maybe that gave me a few more days or weeks of peace.

As the last class ended, I got a text from Kieran.

Changeling: The Daughter of Fire (GxBxNB)Where stories live. Discover now