Changeling 38

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After the loss of control, the fire, and the accompanying sweet euphoric release comes a phase I like to call "oh my fucking god what did I just do???" I had singed a few clothes, beddings and burnt out a trashcan or two before, but never a whole goddamn building!

The sirens were getting closer.

I just ran, bolted out of there faster than I ever thought was possible.

My parents were going to kill me if I got arrested.

I ran and ran, and ran.

Somehow I made it back to the mansion before collapsing in the entrance, out of breath. I collapsed on the floor and gasped for air, my muscles burning.

"Nadia?" Jesse asked, passing by. "What's wrong?"

"I just set fire to a construction yard!"

"What?" They shook their head, "Can you say that again?"

"I burned down a condo!"


"I couldn't help it! I am so fucking dead if they catch me!"

Jesse covered their face with a palm.

My heart pounded against my chest. "Can I have a hand up?"

Jesse came and helped me up. It was then I realized that not only was I completely untouched, but my clothes hadn't even gotten dirty from smoke and soot.

"Are you okay?"

"Kinda, I could use help with a wish."


"Wish for the police not to find me. My parents will KILL me if I get arrested for firesetting again."

My parents had paid for some very expensive therapy and drugs to keep my impulse under control, my pyromania was supposed to be well managed, but this past month had been too much... The thought of disappointing them was worse than the actual legal consequences...

I took out my lamp and placed it in their hand, closing my hand around theirs.

"I wish for the arson you've just committed to be left unsolved."

I closed my eyes, I visualized utter police incompetence, evidence going missing, cameras not working, the works. "Granted."

I let out a sigh of relief, "You may have just saved my bacon." I gave them a hug.

"You're welcome," they kissed my cheek, "Did you get to talk to cutie-Liam?"

"Yeah, that... didn't go over so well." I told Jesse about the conversation, admitting to cheating on Liam. "So yeah, it turns out we were not as over as I thought, but I kind of drove the last nail into that coffin."

Jesse hugged me. "I'm sorry."

"I should've listened to you." I sighed.

They patted my head. "Do you need me as support, you kind of missed it, but I'm a very good cuddler."

I shook my head, "No, but thanks, I got this."

"See you later then." Jesse blew me a kiss as we parted ways.

I went back to my room, Erika wasn't home, and grabbed my kit. I went into the art room, picked an easel and a canvas, and started mixing my paints; reds, oranges, yellows, and blacks.

I lost myself in the painting, a dark silhouette amidst a blazing inferno, laughing in the midst of euphoric release.

I was halfway done when Erika came running into the room.

Changeling: The Daughter of Fire (GxBxNB)Where stories live. Discover now