chapter five

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laila's pov

My phone kept going off, mostly matt and joba. I know it was bitchy of me but I just turned off my phone.

Once I arrived at the tattoo parlor, I got my things and got off the car.

"Hi, I had an appointment to get a tattoo." I politely told the receptionist.

"Oh wow- Laila, nice to meet you. You can take a seat in our seating area and i'll call your artist to come get you."

I smiled and nodded, showing myself to the seating area. Right after I sat I was greeted by the artist, "Hi my names Jorge. I'm a huge fan. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand and he showed me to the back.

We sat down and I pulled the sketch out of my pocket, "I wanted to get this on the front of my bicep. Oooo and I want a smiley face, but the head drawn over, kinda messy, ya know? oh and I wanted that one on my wrist."

"Did you want to draw that second one?" Jorge politely asked.

"Nah, I can't have all the art on my body be mine." I chuckled.

"Any colored ink?" He asked.

"Uhhh yeah actually, could you do the ghost red?" I asked.

"Anything for you." He said before leading me to the room where my tattoo would be done.


Around 45 minutes later he was finished with them both and man they were beautiful.

"Hey is it alright if we take a picture? We like to take one with all of the celebrities that come in here" He asked.

"Eh i'm not a kardashian but of course." I laughed before posing, pointing at the tattoo Jorge had just done, and shooting a huge smile.

We conversed for a bit and I payed and tipped. He then walked me out. I realized I still had the sketch so I walked back in.

"Hey could I borrow a pen?" I asked the receptionist. She handed me a sharpie and I signed the sketch I just got tattooed, "Give this to Jorge please. He was excellent." I stated with a smile before walking out.

That was honestly so fucking fun. I may get addicted to tattoos.

I kept my phone off since I didn't need it to play music. Next stop: the dispensary. Then: Target.


matt's pov

I'm honestly so fucking worried. She just walked out, now she's not answering her phone. What if something happened to her.

Fuck I mean, something must've happened. She doesn't normally act like that. I just hope she's doing okay.

I mean she was fine, until she was with ciaran. Ciaran. I'm gonna kill that motherfucker.


ciaran's pov

I honestly don't really know why I told her to get out. She didn't do one thing wrong. I mean yeah I kinda messed up, but like who fucking cares. If she got her feelings hurt that's her own sensitive ass problem. Not mine.

Jesus ciaran what the fuck is your problem.

"Ciaran." I heard before my door slammed open.

"Golden Rule Matt jesus fuck. Knock??? Ever heard of it."

"What'd you do to her?" He bluntly asked.



"I didn't do fucking anything, what's your problem."

He sighed and responded, "Sorry man, she's just kinda missing. I mean not missing, we saw her leave, but she ignored us on her way out and i think she turned her phone off. Anyways, she was in here last. I don't know, it's just not normal. She doesn't act like that. If you hear anything from her could you just let me know?"

"Yeah of course man. Don't stress i'm sure she's fine."

Fuck Fuck Fuck.

I called her twice to make sure she was okay and then I texted her maybe 3 or 4 times. Watch nothing be wrong and her say some stupid shit like 'ohhhh I was just unplugging.


laila's pov

I bought a couple of edibles, a couple of carts and some weed. Once I got to the car I ate a brownie and made my way to target.

Since the brownie had tons of weed in it, i decided to head home before it started hitting. With my luck. It hit right when I pulled into the driveway. Fuck this shit was strong. I turned my phone back on and grabbed all of my bags out of the trunk. This simple task took me like 10 minutes because i kept forgetting things in my car.

I finally walked through the front door and headed for the kitchen. I didn't say anything because I was so high I had to make sure I was breathing. I felt a bunch of stares on me so I looked up from the counter to see all of the boys huddled around me.

"Laila you can't just do that."

"Get high?"

"You know what I mean, we were all worried about you."

"All? All of y'all were worried?" I suspiciously asked while looking around at all of the boys and then looking Ciaran up and down.

They murmured amongst each other before turning their attention back to me.

Matt fixed his eyes on my arm and then they went wide, "Laila did you really?" He violently questioned.

"Yeah like em?" I said while showing him both of my brand new tattoos. All of them stared at my arm and my hand with their mouths open.

"You're gonna choke on a fly if y'all don't close your mouths." I giggled.

"Ya know what sounds good right now??? Food. We should go get food." I suggested.

"Where'd you wanna go?" Matt asked.

"Uhhhhhhhhh I don't know, where-ever there's food."

"You are no fucking help, get in the car." He said before throwing the keys to the sprinter at me.

The boys packed into the sprinter after putting on their shoes and then Matt began to ask questions.

In all honestly half the shit he said sounded like another language so I just told him what I thought he'd want to hear.

We got to some sushi bar and all of the boys got off, leaving me and Ciaran.

"Your brother was worried." He stated, offering his hand so I could get down.

I flicked him off and tried getting off the van myself, which lead to me eating shit. I quickly got up and dusted off my clothes, trying to deny Ciaran's help.

"I'm just trying to help you Laila."

"No offense, but one second you're a fucking asshole, the next you're this angel that just wants to fucking help. Make up your mind Ciaran."

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