chapter twelve

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matt's pov

I walked back into the waiting room and was greeted by the rest of the boys and Madison.

"They're fixing her nose. He shattered it. I had them call in the best plastic surgeon in the area. I had to give them tons of pictures and videos of her since she loved her nose and would've been devastated if she woke up with a different one. So she's under anesthesia, they woke her up before they started prepping her. I didn't get to see her but that's what they told me. I gave them all of her medical insurance since she's still 18 and luckily everything's covered since she has two insurances. Uh, yeah I think that's it. If he was 6'3 and built like fucking Zeus I think she would've been fine." I explained.

"Y'all can go home if y'all want, I'll wait here. Just leave us a car so I can take her home."

"You sure bro?" Joba asked.

"Yeah guys, its late. We had a long day it's okay."

In the middle of our conversation Laila's phone started buzzing in my pocket. "Ty <3" the screen read.

"Laila- I'm so sorry. I'm fucking sorry." He cried.

"Lay a hand on my fucking sister one more fucking time and I promise you. On my life. I will fucking kill you. Slowly and fucking painfully. If you know what's best for you, you'll NEVER fucking call this number again. EVER." I growled before hanging up.

"We love you bro, keep us updated please." hk asked.

"I'm staying." Ciaran and Madison said in unison.

The rest of the boys led themselves out after giving me a group hug which made me feel a bit better.


"Family of Laila Champion?"

I stood up and Ciaran and Madison followed.

"Her anesthesia has worn off so you guys are more than welcome to come see her before she's discharged."

It was now 6am and you could tell we were all tired. Me and Ciaran looked like we just escaped a space prison because of our Friday Therapy outfits and Madison just looked like she needed a coffee.

I walked into the room first and she was just silently staring at the wall with tears streaming down her face. "I wanna go home Matt. I wanna go."

I sat on the bed next to her and held her, "Were gonna go right now okay. They're gonna discharge you right now." I said trying to comfort her.

"Almost four years Matt. Was I not good enough?" She cried.

"Laila don't ever ask that. Because you know this isn't your fault." I said stroking her hair.

The doctors came in and started talking to her, then they started talking to me because they realized she was in a depressing daze. Once they let us out, they wheeled Laila out to Ciaran's car. We all got in and I decided to drive because Ciaran looked like he was barely functional.

Madison got in the front and Ciaran sat with Laila in the back.


ciaran's pov

I held her all the way home and she didn't say a thing. I knew she was still crying though because every now and then a couple of tears would fall on my hands.

Once we got to the house, she got herself off and grabbed the bag of things her doctor said she would need.

Matt and I helped her up the stairs and they both went into his room. I'm guessing she didn't want to sleep in her room, which I fully understood.


laila's pov

I woke up and felt empty all over again. Did I mean nothing to him? I walked in my room to change and nearly threw up at the sight of my bed sheets. I walked into my bathroom and felt sick when I saw myself in the mirror. My face was purple and green from the bruising.

I brushed my fingers over all of the bruises and began crying. How could he do this to me. I thought he loved me.

As bad as it sounds, I miss Tyler. I miss the sense of security I felt in his arms. I miss his presence.

For some reason I couldn't help but blame myself. Was it my fault? Did I not show him enough affection?

Maybe it was my fault. Maybe I didn't fuck him good enough. I don't even know.

The boys left for tour in a couple of days and I know Matt's not going to want to leave me here. But I really don't want to go. I just needed to make it seem that I was getting better. Mentally and physically. I don't want him to worry.

I changed into a pair of sweats and a cropped tee shirt. Then I went downstairs to see what the boys were doing. I honestly would've rather curled up in the fetal position and cried but I can't really afford to do that right now.

"Hey Lay you feeling better?" Matt asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm okay I guess. My face kinda hurts. But I'm alive so I don't really have any complaints." I wish I wasn't alive though.

"I think me and some of the guys are going to the studio. The only one staying back is Ciaran. Is that okay?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I'll be okay Matt. Don't worry about me." I said going to sit on the couch with Ciaran.

He laid his hand on my thigh and squeezed it, kinda like saying "I'm here."

I hit my juul and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Laila don't forget to eat. I'll see you later tonight."

"Okay Matty, Love you."

"Love you more." He said, kissing my head on his way out.

"Are you actually okay?" Ciaran questioned.

"Yeah." I responded

"Look at me," He said before grabbing my chin, "Are you actually okay."

I bursted into tears and he held me just like he did in the car.

"I wasn't good enough for him Bear. I'm broken now. I won't ever be good enough for anyone. I'm gonna die alone." I gasped.

"Come on Laila, you know that's not true. As cliche as it sounds, it really is his loss. Don't question your worth."

"Bear, I miss him. I know I can't go back to him. But I miss him. I don't know what to do. I'm just so lost."

"I have an idea."

waste // ciarán mcdonaldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon