chapter twenty six

452 14 2

laila's pov

I got out of the shower and went to Ciaran's room to steal a shirt or something.

I found a grey "GINGERMAN" shirt and threw it on over a pair of leggings. I slid on some random ass shoes that were thrown on my floor and then headed downstairs.

"Mads you ready?" I yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah let's go."

I heard her grab her keys and once I got down the stairs she handed me my wallet and we were on our way.

"I wish I was fucking baked out of my mind. Maybe I'd chill the fuck out or sleep or even eat. I don't know." I frustratedly said.

"We can stop at the dispensary if you want, on the way home?" She suggested.

"Yeah sounds good."

"So what were you thinking of getting at the craft store?"

I pulled the sketch out and explained that I needed to get a sewing machine, some material and stuffing.

"So you and Ciaran." She said smirking at me.

"Yeah, I like him a lot. Like a lot a lot. He's just something different ya know. We're just like two peas in a pod. I don't know how to explain it." I said playing with my hands. I noticed talking about him brought a smile to my face for the first time in days.

"So u got a mans or anything. Sorry everything's been about me lately. Tell me what's going on with you." I continued.

"Nah no ones really in my life right now. Guys are hard to trust, especially when you're as sexy as I am." She laughed.

We got to the craft store so I got a cart and waltzed through the store grabbing the things I needed. Finally, I was ready to check out. After paying and all that jazz we walked out of the store, and was greeted by a couple paparazzis.



Get me the fuck out of here.




My heart dropped when he said that and I nearly dropped the sewing machine I was holding. Damn maybe they are. Maybe I am a burden.

Madison opened the trunk and I set it in there while tears just ran down my cheeks. I can't believe he said that.

"Mads just got home please." I said sinking into the seat I was sitting in.


Matt's pov

My phone rang and It was Madison once again. Maybe she an idea on what to do to make it up to Laila.

"Hey mads i'm gonna put you on speaker."

"Uhhhh alright." She hesitantly answered.

"Have any ideas?"  I asked.

"Yeah, we got home a bit ago and she's upstairs taking a nap. And yes I did turn the alarm off that she set. Man I just feel so bad for her she cant get a fucking break. We were leaving the craft store and the paps said some shit about y'all enjoying her absence and you could tell her heart broke. She's always felt like a burden and I think that just made it worse. Regardless, she was gonna go to the dispensary before that pap killed her mood. She said she 'wanted to get baked out of her mind' so do what you please with that information."

"Aw mads you know she's not a burden to us and we all miss her. I gotta go but I'll make sure to send something over. You want anything?"

"Nah i'm chilling. Thank you though. Have fun at ur show."  She said before hanging up.

She's right Laila just can't catch a fucking break.

"Alright guys what do we do." I asked the boys that were sprawled out on the green room couches.

"Oh my god I know what." Joba said, "There's this place in LA that delivers like weed bouquets, I sent one to Zuri a couple of days ago. And they also make bouquets with edibles. I mean she said she wanted to high."

"You're a fucking genius do you have the website?" I asked.

"Yeah gotchu bro."

He opened it on one of the laptops sitting on the coffee table and then we all huddled around so that we could choose what to send her.

"Order the biggest one we'll use the business card."  Jon suggested.

I clicked on the biggest arrangement they had and it had edibles, weed, and flowers.

"Her favorite flowers are Lilys." Ciaran said, "She also hates sativa but never said it cause she didn't wanna seem picky."

We all looked at him weird and Merlyn mumbled "simp."

"Shut up y'all are weird." Ciaran said in defense.

"Kay i'm gonna get her hybrid and indica and then brownies, rice krispies, and gummies?" I said adding everything.

"Yeah bro, that looks fire." Jabari added.

"Kay what should we write on the note?" Joba asked

"678-999-8212 - bh." I said

The boys looked at me weird but I knew she'd understand it.

Joba handed the computer to Jon so he could pay and in all honesty I felt a bit less guilty, so that helped.

"All righty it's gonna get there tomorrow around like 2pm." Jon said setting down the laptop.

We did our preshow rituals and then headed out to the crowd that was chanting "brockhampton."


Thank you guys so much for 2.5 k 🥺

Y'all are too nice <3

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