chapter ten

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laila's pov

I woke up to my phone buzzing on the nightstand. I answered it and immediately heard Madison gushing over something on the phone.

"Lay. You have to come clubbing with us tonight. David asked me to tell you to come. I know your 18 but don't worry about it he knows all of the people that work there. Come with us, I want you there. Pleaseeeeeee."

"Sure sure sure. What time is it? What time do they wanna go. Oh and I have to come home after because Friday Therapy is tomorrow and I promised the boys I would go with them to sound check."

"Don't worry about it. You know I don't drink so I can bring you home after. They want to go at like 10. So you can come over whenever. Oh by the way it's 5 right now. Also I have an outfit for you so we can coordinate."

"Hahahaha alright i'll uber over there in a bit. Send me ur address por favor."

"Oooo also I have a lil surprise for youuuuuu when you get hereee."

"Oooo i'm intrigued. See you in a bit mads. I'll text you when i'm on my way."

"Sounds good Lay, see ya."

I got up and went to the restroom so I could wash my face and wake up.

I facetimed Mads to show her my shoes and she chose a pair of strappy red heels. I hung up and put some makeup in a makeup bag and put my heels in a backpack along with some other essentials.

After I packed my backpack I went to Matt's room to tell him that I was leaving just so he wouldn't think I ran away again. He wasn't in there so I went downstairs to see if he was there. All of the boys were sitting at the table figuring out things for tomorrow.

"Bye guys i'm going to Mads. I'll be back tonight. We'll probs go out around like 10 sooooooo i'll be back sometime after that. Uhhhh have fun if y'all go anywhere and be safe. Love y'all." I said blowing a kiss at the boys and going out the front door.


mad's pov

Tyler planned on coming early to surprise Laila. So Matt, Sav, and I we're gonna help him surprise her after their concert tomorrow. Me, Laila, and Sav have been the best of friends for a long ass time. We were like sisters.

Matt said he would call me while Laila was on her way to my house, so maybe 45 minutes after me and Laila talked my phone rang and it was Matt.

"First question, Are you and Sav coming to the concert? I think Lay took lanyards for both of y'all just in case " Matt asked.

"Nah only Mads is going, I'm gonna wait with Tyler in the house to surprise Lay after the concert." Sav responded.

"Perfect. So Mads you're gonna come right?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll go at like 6. I'm pretty sure Lay's gonna come and ask us about it so at least now we have our story straight. Wait, Sav what's your excuse that you can't go?"

"Uhhhh I guess I have to go visit my mom in the hills or something."

"Alright sounds good. See y'all tomorrow. Ooo also, when's Tyler flying in?"

"He's flying in around 9pm. So we'll go straight to the house."

"Bet bet, Sav i'll text you the code to the front door so y'all can get in. Sound good?" Matt asked.

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