chapter seven

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ciaran's pov

We both got into my Camaro and I dropped the top for pure enjoyment.

"So why are you kidnapping me for?" She asked while I was pulling out of the driveway.

"For fun." I turned up the volume and Frank Ocean started blasting through the speakers. I looked at her and she was just singing along and looking around at our surroundings. I guess she felt me looking at her, cause she turned and flashed me a smile.

Around 25 minutes later, we got to the hills. This was my secret spot. I came here to get away sometimes or whenever I just needed silence. I lit a cigarette and she pulled a juul out of her pocket. This girl is full of surprises.

"I don't really know what to do. Like show you I'm sorry." I said awkwardly breaking the silence.

"You know Ciaran. A couple months ago, I was in a super bad friendship. She was my childhood best friend. I know it doesn't sound like much but when you do everything together from your first steps to prom, you form a bond with that person. A lot of people told me she was beginning to be toxic but i'm the type of person that likes to see the best in people. For like two years maybe, for entire fucking time, I was just being manipulated. I lost my sense of worth. I felt like nothing, mostly because I was compared to someone who perceived themselves as perfect. If someone cares about you, they'll show it. And I don't mean show it with tangible things. I mean their actions. They'll think of you before doing something, they'll take your feelings into account. If I ever say 'I'm sorry' just know I mean it. So in all honesty, I was probably being too hard on you and for that I apologize. But Bear if you didn't want me there, you shouldn't have asked me to stay. I don't usually take things to heart but for some reason I was super taken back."

"A lot of times, I do things impulsively. I wanted you there, I really did. I'm just not used to people seeing the emotional side of me and when I woke up, I was kinda shocked you were even there. Most people would've just left. But I'm sorry, I really am." I said taking my stare from the sky to her, "Wanna hotbox?" I asked while pulling off the joints Matt rolled from me.

She chuckled and examined one of them, "Matt rolled these didn't he?" I nodded in response with a small smile on my face. "He knows I like two gram joints."

I turned the car on to put the top back on the car. She put her seat back and stuck the joint between her lips. I lit the joint and we started our lil sesh.


We talked about everything from space to "how beautifully god created the fireflies because they had the ability to create light as small as they were"

We even talked about her boyfriend, Tyler, of three years. I guess no one told her about her and Todd at the party. Matt must've known it would've eaten her up inside. She also was blackout drunk. Even then she explained that they were on a break until he came out to LA soon. A part of me wished we could be something more than friends but I honestly just think i'm delusional because I was tired.

Time flew during our conversations and before you knew it, it was 6am. Three hours felt like 15 minutes with her. Before we knew it the sun was rising.

"Bear, look look," She said while pointing at the sunrise, "It's beautiful isn't it."

"Yeah it really is." I said looking up to the red-orange sky.

"We should head home don't ya think?" She stated with a chuckle at the end.

"That would be smart. Before your brother kills the both of us."

I dropped the top and headed home with Clairo blasting through the speakers.


laila's pov

We got home and I thanked Ciaran before heading inside. It was around 7:30 so Joba and Romil were up in the kitchen doing God knows what.

"Where have you been all night?" Romil teases. Right when he said that, Ciaran walked through the door and turned to lock it.

Romil gave me a wide eyed look and I just went upstairs. I'll let Ciaran deal with them.

I plugged my phone in since it was dead and waited for it to turn on so I could order coffee. I'm honestly not that tired and if i drink some coffee I should be good the rest of the day.

After what felt like ages, my phone turned back on and I immediately postmated phil's coffee and jumped in the shower.

I shaved my legs and washed my body and hair. I put my hair up in a towel and dried myself off. Then, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I checked the weather cause it was kinda cold so I threw on a pair of leggings and a hoodie, ya know the usual.

My phone chimed so I went downstairs and tipped the nice lady who brought my coffee.

"What's up dweebs." I said picking on the boys in the kitchen.

"Nothing we gotta see what we're gonna wear next week for Friday Therapy." Ian said while eating his toast.

"What's that?"

"Uncultured as fuck. Jesus Champion. After we drop Ginger we're having a free concert."

"Sorry Ian. One directions the only boyband in my eyes. All others are irrelevant. Sounds fun though. Have any ideas on the outfits?"

"Nah we got a meeting with a stylist at 3. It's probably gonna take forever tho. These motherfuckers be difficult as fuck."

I laughed and was caught off guard when a pair of arms wrapped around me and I was lifted off the ground.

"The beast has her caffeine." I heard Matt say before putting me down.

I laughed and then my phone buzzed on the counter. It was a message from madison. I missed madison sooooooo much. 'We need to go on a sushi date asap!!'

We texted back and forth before concluding that we would go get sushi around 2. Since it was down the street from the brockhampton house, she said she would pick me up.

Now I just needed something to distract myself with.

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