chapter sixteen

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ciaran's pov

"Aw look at how peaceful they look." Am I dreaming?

"It's gross Romil, what do u mean 'Aw'" I'm definitely not dreaming.

I felt a slight weight on my chest and a leg intertwined with mine.

"Wake them up. Or at least one of them." Matt frantically said.

"Wake up Ciaran, she looks like she needs sleep." Wow geez thanks guys.

"This is why, I said she should sleep with ME." Matt silent yelled.

"Come on Matty, you gotta admit that's cute as shit. Look at her little smile." Aw she's smiling. At least she's happy when she's asleep.

"Can someone please, for the love of fucking God. Wake one of them up." Matt said annoyed. Damn am I really that bad.

"I say leave them, All in favor say 'I'" Merlyn laughed.

"Fuck y'all, I'll wake him up." Matt sighed.

"Ciaran, wake your ass up and get of my sister." He said while flicking me in the forehead. I could literally feel his breath on my face.

I mumbled and shifted away from Matt causing me and Laila to be in kinda a hugging position.

"Ciaran you have three seconds before I kill you."

I opened my eyes and yawned trying to avoid sudden moments so I didn't wake the clingy version of sleeping beauty over here.

"What. Do. You. Want." I sighed.

"Come on we have an Interview." Joba said.

"Tell them bearface is sick. The bird flu or something." I mumbled.

"Bearface is gonna get his ass out of the bed, that's what bearface is gonna do. Then Matt and bearface are gonna have a conversation. A serious conversation."  Matt sternly said.

I huffed got out of the bed causing Laila to shuffle around until she got comfortable again.

Matt looked more irritable than usual, but I mean it's not like we were making fucking babies. We were sleeping.

The boys left me and Matt alone in the hotel room and the first thing he said was: "What the fuck were y'all doing."

"Matt we were just sleeping. She cried herself to sleep. I wasn't gonna just let her suffer alone. She blames herself a lot for what happened between her and Tyler. I know you notice that she doesn't eat and when she does she goes to the restroom and throws it up. Last night she told me that It would be easier for all of us if she wasn't here anymore," His face dropped right when I said that, "Matt, she loves you. And she feels like a burden. All i'm doing, is being there for her. You know I care about her, fuck everyone knows it's obvious. But I know she just got out of everything with Tyler. I'm not trying to get in her pants or whatever you think. I'm caring about her, that's all I'm doing right now. And yes I know, you're her brother and If me being there for her bothers you that much, I will keep my distance, I will."

You could tell Matt didn't know what to say, "Hurt her Ciaran, and your ass is mine. I love you like a brother. But i'll still hurt you. And also thank you, I know because i'm her brother, she's not gonna tell me everything since she thinks she's protecting me. But i'm happy she's at least telling someone how she feels."

We bro hugged it out and headed out to the interview.


laila's pov

I woke up alone in a dark, freezing hotel room. I don't remember being this cold all night. My state of delusion quickly faded before I remembered that Ciaran essentially sang my ass to sleep last night.

I got out of bed and pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head and went to the restroom.

As I was brushing my teeth I inspected my still bruised, and puffy, face. How do they guys even look at me. Shit I wouldn't be able to look at me.

I don't know where the boys were and no ones told me anything so I just decided to take a shower.

I turned the water on before stripping to get in. I put some music on and got into the steaming shower.

I quietly sang along to Claire singing through my phone and eventually made my way out of the shower.

I dried off and put on a sports bra, a different hoodie from Matt and a pair of sweats.

I didn't really have the energy to do much so I just laid back down and slowly drifted back to sleep.


"TYLER STOP I LOVE YOU. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME." I yelled as he walked towards the front door.

"Tyler, please. Stay. I need you. I love you." I desperately cried.

"You think I need you? I barely even loved you." He coldly spat, "You're nothing compared to her. You weren't good enough for me, you'll never be good enough for anyone-..."

The house began to crumble under my feet and before I knew it, the floor under me was no where to be found.

I looked Tyler in the eyes before plummeting down into to what seemed like hell.

I smacked the ground and gasped as felt all of the oxygen leave my body.

"Laila, wake up. Come on wake up."

I gasped and shot up from the bed. My clothes were dripping wet from sweat and I was laying on the floor between the bed and the wall.

"What- what happened." I questioned confused as to how I got there. I looked at my surroundings and was relieved when so figured out it was just a dream.

"Lay, you okay?" Matt said while helping me get up.

"Yeah, it was just a dream. I'm okay." I thankfully sighed.

"Uhh I'm gonna shower again. Did y'all want to do something?"

"Yeah we were just gonna smoke before we left. We can wait though."

"Okay, I'll be fast. Promise." I said rushing to repeat the routine I had just done earlier.

I was left alone while everyone left to put their belongings back on the bus

I didn't have really any energy to roll anything so I played on my phone and drank my second red bull while Matt and Dom rolled.

"Y'all ready?" Dom said while holding up three blunts and nine joints.

I was handed a blunt and felt around for a lighter in my pockets.

waste // ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now