chapter twenty eight

413 18 0

ciaran's pov

"Hey Jaden, we're flying home right now since we had a couple of off days here and then we were gonna leave for flog gnaw, but we'd rather spend the off days over there." Ian said into his phone.

"Okay when's the flight landing?"

"Were about to land right now. The sprinters there so Jon will probably drive us home. How are the girls?"

"Okay sounds good and Laila just drank three red bulls so I don't think she's gonna sleep soon, but she's also cross faded as fuck. Right now the both of them are sitting criss cross on the island eating pizza." Jaden said with a laugh.

"Mkay were about to land so I'll see you in maybe 30 at the house. I love you. Also make sure they don't fall of the island."

"Love you more. See you in a bit." Jaden said with a kissy noise at the end.

At least I'll see her and she'll still be awake. Conscious? Not sure. But awake? For sure.

I buckled my seatbelt and hit Matt's pen as the plane landed.

"You excited to see her?" Matt asked.

"You have no fucking idea."


"Am I tripping or are the boys at the door?" I heard Laila whisper to Madison.

"Hey big headed stupid ass hoe." I said wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her off of the counter.

"BEAR!!" She excitedly slurred.

"MATTY." She yelled, stumbling towards Matt who caught her in a hug.

"My beautiful boys I've missed you all." We we're all pulled into a group hug by this little cross faded girl who had us wrapped around her finger.

She climbed back on the counter and continued to eat her food while trying to talk to Matt.

I went upstairs and set my bag down and then changed into a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

"Ciiiii, I missed you." She said from the counter.

"I missed you more." I whined while standing in between her legs.

"How was the tour-y thingy?" She giggled.

"It was fun, but the groupies didn't compare to you what's so ever." I joked, "How've you been?" I asked.

You could tell my question made her sad cause her mood completely switched.

"Did you know that my parents are lost at sea?" She said looking down. Damn so she's really fucked up.

"Yeah Lay I know. You wanna go lay down and talk?" I asked trying to get her to look at me.

She lightly nodded so I picked her up off the counter and Jesus Christ she weighed next to nothing.

I carried her up stairs and lightly put her on my bed before getting on the other side. She laid her head on my lap and wow she's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen, even all fucked up.

"Bear, I missed you." She said making direct eye contact, "You know the paps told me that you guys were happy I left."

"Laila that's not true, you know that." I said stroking her hair trying to reassure her.

"I don't know Bear, you know, I am a fucking wreck." She lightly said.

"No you're not Lay, and i'll have you know you are one of my favorite people on this planet and not having you with us on tour sucked."

"Really?" She suspiciously questioned.

"Mhm, you know how cold I was at night." I joked.

"Fuck you bear." She said turning to face the other way.

"What can I do, to make you feel better." I asked while rubbing her side.

"You cannnnnn, oooooo lets go smoke cigs."

"Lay don't you think you've had enough for the night?"

"Mmmmm nope, lets go."

She pulled me onto my balcony and stuck her hands in my hoodie pocket to find a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Can you light it for me Ci?" She asked struggling to light the cigarette between her lips.

"If you can't light it that means you're too fucked up."

"Bye." She said before turning around and heading back inside.

I pulled her back and lifted her up to put her on the little ledge thing.

"Here headass." I said, lifting the lighter to meet the cigarette sitting in her mouth. I lit mine and then looked up to see her puffing away. As much as I hated it, it was so fucking attractive.

"You knowwww Bear, I missed u a lot." She slurred, making eye contact.

"I missed you more Lay."

"Ur voice is like-" She finished her sentence by doing a chefs kiss. I laughed at her little gesture before being pulled in between her legs.

"You're trapped big head."

"I do not have a big head, you're just trippin." I said looking from her eyes to her lips.

"Kiss me."

"Listen I'm telling you this right now. We are not fucking tonight. You are way too gone." I said trying to lay down some boundaries.

"Can you shut the fuck up and kiss me." She said looking from my lips to my eyes.


3k reads 😧 y'all are insane 🥺

Also is anyone addicted to Animal Crossing cause me too 😔

waste // ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now