chapter twenty two

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ciaran's pov

She looked up at me innocently and fuck she was so hot.

"No you're not smoking a cig." I sternly responded.

"Come on Bear, you smoke cigs." She replied.

"They're not good for you Lay."

"They're not for you either." She said reaching for the pack of cigarettes in my hand.

"Yeah but I have a nicotine addiction." I said holding them out of her reach.

"Ooo ur so quirky Mr. Nicotine addiction." She laughed.

"One, and then we're going to bed." I said looking at her in eyes.

"I promiseeeee." She begged.

I put one between her lips and then lit it as she inhaled.

I hated when she smoked cigarettes. I know that's hypocritical but I don't know. She was hot when she smoked though.

She caught me staring at her and smiled at me.

"You know bear, it's creepy when you stare at people. I may just get a restraining order." She said.

"Shut your ass up let's go to bed." I said with a laugh.

We went upstairs and she went to the restroom. While I changed into a pair of shorts and took my shirt off.

"AHHHHH." I heard her yell. Before I could turn around I was face down on the bed.

"Gotcha." She laughed.

"Jesus christ you almost fucking killed me."

"That would serve no purpose. I'm not on the life insurance yet." She joked earning a laugh from me.

She snuggled up next to me and before I knew it, she was out.


laila's pov

"SOUNCHECK TIME MOTHER FUCKERSSSS." Matt obnoxiously yelled.

Why the fuck does he always have keys to the room.

"Ciaran if you're naked I'm chopping off your dick." Matt said pulling she sheets off of the both of us.

I shivered when the warm sheets were pulled and cuddled up next to Ciaran. He was always warm for some reason.

"Y'all are truly, disgusting." Matt said.

"Yeah and you smell." I said groggily.

"I DO NOT SMELL, why the fuck does everyone think I smell."

I laughed at his response and got out to bed.

Today's gonna be a longggg day. I can feel it.

Tomorrow's my birthday but no ones brought it up. I know they know, or at least Matt does, because last year him and all of the guys sent me a cake and then called me over facetime to sing happy birthday. I mean unless he forgot. I doubt he forgot.

I shook off my thoughts and got onto the bus so we could go to the venue.

"You okay?" Ciaran asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Mhm." I mumbled.

My phone rang in my pocket as I sat next to Ciaran.

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