chapter thirty four

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ciaran's pov

"EVERYONE UP LETS GOOOOOOO PEOPLE." Jon yelled knocking on our door. Well my door I guess.

Fuck we didn't wake up to pack.

I opened the curtain and it was still dark outside so I think I had time to spare. I should probably wake her up. I would pack for her but I don't want to forget anything.

"Lay, hey." I said lightly shaking her.

"Lay wake up, come on we gotta pack and go or they're gonna kill us." I giggled.

She silently stretched before getting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning bear." She yawned.

"WERE LEAVING IN AN HOUR GUYS." Jon yelled from the hall.

"Fuck." She murmured.

"Hey I'll finish my bag and then I'll go help you." I said kissing her forehead before sending her off.

There was just something so painfully addicting about her. I wish I could just be there with her all the time.


laila's pov

I threw a case of juul pods into my backpack along with a couple of carts and my battery and juul. I began packing toiletries before I felt a pair of arms snake around me.

"Hey whatcha got so far." Ciaran said before snooping through my room to see a backpack full of shit and an empty suitcase.

"Lay come on we're gonna leave. We gotta get you some clothes." He said wide eyed.

"Come on, can't I just wear your clothes." I said looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"You know I don't mind but then you're like 'ugh i have nothing to wear' so pack them even if you're not gonna wear them." He said throwing a couple pairs of shorts in my suitcase.

"Here I'll do the shoes," He opened another suit case and packed maybe 10 pairs of shoes in them, which I didn't see the need for now, but will probably need later.

I finished packing my clothes and then just threw my laptop, iPad and chargers into my backpack.

I grabbed my suitcases and attempted to take them downstairs until ciaran took them from me.

"Come on Lay you can do it." He said, basically rushing me down the stairs. I rolled my eyes and made my way down to see that the guys were waiting for us to leave.

"Hey you said an hour." I said looking at Jon.

"Yeah whatever were early, let's goooo." He said shooing everyone out of the house.


"Hey guys." Someone said while nudging me.

"We're stopping get up." It was Matt.

I opened my eyes and felt a Ciaran's arms tighten their grip around me.

"Come on Ci, lets go." I said trying to get out of his arms.

"Nooo please." He pleaded.

I finally broke out and then drug him with me to get coffee. We stopped at a Starbucks so I online ordered since baristas give me anxiety and then stood and waited with the rest of the guys.

"Hey what did you want." Ciaran said turning to look at me.

"I already ordered I'm chillin." I said gesturing at my phone.

"Hey so let's talk about Texas." He said wrapping his arm around me and resting it on my shoulder.

"I'm already thinking of my whataburger order." I laughed

"So when I meet your parents should I take my nose ring out?"

Fuck. I thought he already met them.

"You've never met my parents?" I questioned, "Hey can you pass me that." I pointed at my coffee the barista just put out.

"Nope. When the guys were in Texas, I was still having issues with my visa."

"Marry me McDonald and you will never have visa issues again." I laughed.

"When I do, can I take your name instead." He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Anything for you lad, or whatever they say over there." I ruffled his hair before Matt came over.

"What's up Matty?"

"First of all, you do realize we're in public and there's people taking photos of y'all in the corner?" He said kinda concerned.

I fake sneezed and looked in that direction to see two guys sitting at a table with cameras pointed our way. They were literally holding down the button to take the photos while having some fake conversation.

"Hey Ci look." I  pointed at the cameras and flicked them off before Rob made us all go outside.

"Aw come on Rob that was fun." Right as I finished my sentence my phone started to ring.

Brandonnnn yayyy.

"What's up Boss." I laughed.

"No what's up with you?"

"What do you mean what's up with me. I'm with the boys and we're on the way to Flog Gnaw. I told you that yesterday bud."

"I just got an email from some paps saying that they wanted money for these pictures of you and Ciaran or they would publish them to the press."

"Hm do they have watermarks?"

"No Laila they don't but that's not the point-"

"Hey hey hey don't worry about it, forward me the email."

"Laila are you sure?"

"Yeah yeah I got it."

"Fine. And you better be careful in Texas. Don't get arrested or do anything stupid with you're old friends. If you-."

"Brandon, I'm gonna be okay. Wuv you buddyyyyy Byeee."

My opened the email and read it, blah blah blah whatever. I got to the photos and they were super cute. What a shame they didn't have a watermark.

"Laila what are you-"

"So I was thinking, They have no watermark right? So I can just post it and then boom, they can't get any money for it. Yeah they can send it to whoever but there's no profit anddd they wasted their whole morning in a starbucks for nothing." I interrupted.

"How the fuck do you come up with shit like that?" John asked.

"I honestly don't know, they just come to me."

"Hey can I post some?" Ciaran asked, "I want those." He pointed at the one of him and I busting up and flicking off the camera and then one where i'm ruffling up his hair and we're both laughing a bit.

We look so happy.

waste // ciarán mcdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now