chapter twenty four

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ciaran's pov

I woke up colder than usual. I looked around and realized Laila wasn't next to me. Odd.

I reached over to check my phone and a small folded piece of paper fumbled onto the ground.

I picked up the paper and opened it to reveal a handwritten letter that had a couple of tear stains on it:
"Ciaran, you have a special place in my heart. It's not going anywhere either. I just need some time I guess. I know it's not healthy and I probably shouldn't distance myself but I have to. For y'alls sake. Have fun on tour Bear. I'll miss you. See you soon Bear :)

- Laila."

No no no. She didn't leave.

As I was trying to gather my thoughts I heard a loud bang on my door.

"CIARAN." Matt cried.

I rushed to open the door and once I did he just collapsed. He was a wreck.

"She's gone." He quietly cried, clutching onto a piece of paper.

"She left you one too." I said.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so fucking bad. But I don't think I had the right. Matt's her brother. I don't even know what we are, or were I guess.

He fumbled for his phone and dialed her number, which went straight to voicemail.

No one knows what time she left, or where she way, or even if she was okay. We didn't know anything.

I hugged Matt and tried to assure him that everything was gonna be okay but he was not having it.

"Ciaran she's gonna die. She can't be left alone like this. She can't -" He began to sob before he could finish his sentence so, I pulled him into a hug.

I'm assuming we woke the other boys cause there was a knock and they all confused as hell.

Matt tried to get a hold of Brandon and Madison. While he did that I just sat with my phone in between my hands and prayed that she made it home okay.

"GUYS SHES CALLING." Matt yelled. The room fell silent as he answered and switched the speaker to speaker phone.

"Matty i'm okay, don't worry about me."

"Lay-" You could tell he didn't know what to say to her.

"I'll see you soon Matt, I love you. Go have fun. Go on I know you have a show today. I also know I'm on speaker so Hey guys. I miss y'all but I guess I just need to be alone. Not entirely alone,  Madison's staying with me because I know Matt thinks i'm gonna kill myself. I'm gonna be okay. But y'all don't need my energy right now, I'm just not in the right state of mind. I love you all to pieces. Matt call me everyday, whatever's gonna make you feel better. But don't cry over me, i'm still here. Take care of my brother." She said before the line went dead.

It'd be an understatement if I said I didn't miss the fuck out of that girl. It'd also be an understatement if I said I wasn't kinda mad.

I know I shouldn't be upset with her, but she left her brother here when she was what he needed. They needed each other.

I also know that she wouldn't have left if she didn't feel it was necessary. Everyone copes differently.

Her leaving wasn't about me, but it couldn't help but feel personal.

I miss her and it's only been one fucking day. How the fuck am I supposed to do this.


laila's pov

I finally got to LA and after I got off the jet I couldn't help but cry.

God why did you make me so fucking emotional.

I missed the boys and it's only been a couple of hours.

I hope Matts okay. I want to call Ciaran but I don't know if he really wants to talk to me. But mostly, I just hope my parents are still alive. I hope the radar was just a malfunctioning or something. I hope that this was all a big misunderstanding.

I got in my uber home and decided to call Ciaran because the worst that could happen is that he simply doesn't pick up the phone.

"Lay?" I heard him question.


"Lay I miss you, It's only been like not even a whole fucking day and I hate to say it but I fucking miss you. I think I miss you more than Matt." He said with a nervous chuckle, "Lay, I- I know you think it's best to distance yourself, and I support you, but i'm gonna be here for you, even if i'm not physically with you. I'm gonna call you every day, and you're gonna answer and we're gonna talk about whatever's on your mind. You hear me?"

"You're sweet bear. I like that." I laughed.

"Well I gotta go. I'll call you as soon as I can."

"Alright, check on Matt for me. Make sure he's okay"

The line went silent and now I knew I had to explain myself to Brandon and Madison.

I got home and I saw Brandon and Mads sitting in his car.

I'm guessing they both saw me get off of the uber cause they were making their way off the car to the door.

"Lay what happened?"

"My parents, uh the cruise they're on is missing." I said trying to hold back my tears. I cry way too fucking much.


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