chapter three

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Secret love

Chapter three

Serena grew more restless as the day neared its end. In our last class  she kept checking her watch counting down the minutes left to her date. Jay dint share the last class  with us and his class usually ended before ours.He had already told her he'll pick her up from her house after  the band rehearsel.

As soon as the bell rang Serena was out of her seat and making her way to the door. I thought she had forgotten me until she stopped and turned to look at me before she was out of the door.

''you are still seated ? she asked  her eyes wide open.

''Am not the one going on a date and you already forgot about me anyways,'' I told her trying to look as upset as I could.

''What are you talking about ?'' you  know i can never forget you over a boy and Stop being dramatic I thought we agreed that was my thing.''

''You almost left me ,this has never happened before .Am afraid I will loose you once you start dating jay,''

Serena came towards me and stood right in front of me. Her face had totally changed from the excitement it had to worry. I really had no intention of getting her upset but I guess my acting was really good.

''Don't ever say that again, you're literally   the best things I ever had and i dont want to even think about loosing you,"she said looking in my eyes with a sad expression.

''Hey, I was just kidding ok, please don't  be sad,"I told her stretching out my hands and pulling her in a very tight hug.

''Ok enough of all this emotions, lets go so I can help you find an outfit.''

''OK but don't mess with me like that again, you know I can be very emotional when it comes to you .Come on, lets go before my brother leaves without us,'' she says as we finally leave the class room.

Her brother Chris was always her ride to and from school. I also used to ride with them sometimes when my brother was busy with school and today was going to be one of those times.

Chris was a very charming guy with a very warm smile. He was the type of guy you could talk to all day and since he had the looks of a movie star he could have any girl he wanted and I guess that was what made him a flirt. He was literally dating a different girl every week and I din't blame them , I mean he had the looks and the charm.

''Ladies ,'' Chris greeted us giving us quick warm hugs.

"Hi chris." i  said as we got in the car.

''Whats got you so excited?'' Chris asked his sister while starting the car.

''I don't have to tell you but since you asked am going on a date with Jay,'' she told him.

''So he finally asked you out ha?'' Chris asked as he drove out of the school compound to the main road.

''What do u mean finally?'' Serena asked looking from me to Chris.

''Hey...don't look at me ,am not a snitch ok.'' I defended myself knowing what she was thinking.

''Come on Sis, its crazy obvious from all the longing looks you give him when he's around you,even mom knows ''Chris said.

I really enjoyed the company of this two. They really liked banging heads with each other always arguing over anything and everything. I know thats something common with siblings but not even my brothet and i argued this much.They were the best entertainment  ever, all I needed was a plate full of popcorn and I was good to go.

''Just so you know I was actually the one that asked him out,'' Serena said.

"Really now,am not actually surprised , we are in the 21st century and am glad my sister is a dare devil,'' He says really suprising both of us.

''This should definitely be in the Gunies  book of records, I mean you two actually have something in common ,I cant believe this is actually happening ,''I told them.

"you know what i cant believe is that you dont have a girl in your car today,what happened did your latest collection dump you," Serena said  smirking at chris.

She was actually trying to start another argument and i was in the back  seat  set and ready for the show.

"Dump me?! for your information am the one who usually does the dumping," chris said his eyes focused on the road.

"I cant believe you are actually bragging about that,its not a very nice thing you know," I told him shaking my head in disbelief.

"They actually know what they are getting themselves into when they start dating me, and the only reason i do this is because i cant have the one i really want," Chris said.

"ooh, the little player is heartbroken," Serena said mocking him.

" Hey , dont do that,"  i said hitting her softly on the shoulder, it's really hard to love someone who you can never be with."

I hadn't registered what i just said untill she turned and looked at me surprised.

"Do you like someone? " they both asked unison.

"Ofcourse not, i was just stating a fact," i said but Serena gave me a look which said that this wasn't over.

"Thank you for defending me from my crazy sister, i really love it when you are around,'' Chris said as he turned and winked at me with a sexy smirk on his lips.

''I thought I told you never to flirt with my friends,'' Serena said  giving Chris  a death glare.

''Hey come...have you seen your friend ? it's going to be hard to keep that promise,'' Chris said as he parked the car.

''I know she's gorgeous  and that's why she needs someone much better than you so don't mess with her ok?''

''OK you two ,thank you for the compliments but would you quit talking about me like I wasn't here,'' I said getting out of the car. This two were really unbelievable.

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