chapter 21

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I was totally freaked out after kissing him, and I started to move away, but his big strong arm encircled my waist and pulled me up against him until my chest brushed against his, causing me to gasp from the intensity.

My heart raced and my skin flushed unsure of what he was going to do. Nervous energy ran up and down my body as Jays thumb started caressing my bottom lip sofly while staring deep in my eyes. The soft pressure from his touch was intoxicating .

I fought to control my breathing, just feeling him touch me was now making my heart do crazy things! I could feel his heart beating fast next to mine and I didn't understand why he was teasing me when he wanted the Kiss just as bad as me.

He tilted my chin up with his hand and looked deep in my eyes as if searching for something .

" Are you sure you want to do this? " he asked studying my face.

"Jay, it's not like we are going to have sex or something! Just kiss me already, " I said not caring if I sounded desperate.

If someone told me I would be the one kissing Jay and begging him to kiss me  , I would have laughed my heart out telling  them they were crazy but this is really happening!

" There's  nothing I want More,"he said simply as his mouth lowered to cover mine then his lips began to move.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepend the kiss. My tongue rolled around his in a perfect, harmonious dance.  His lips were soft after and hot under mine and heat and electricity folded through my entire body. I ran my hands through his thick dark hair.

His lips tasted better than anything I have ever tasted and his hard body against mine was making me feel things I've never felt before.

When he pulled back,  he closed his eyes and took a deep breath his arm still encircling my waist.

" Damn!" he said in a hoarse whisper.  " That......... that was..... great! Your kisses are amazing! Justcas i imagined them to be."

The excitement from seeing him affected only made my body ache more . I reached up and ran my hands through his hair and pulled his face back down to mine. 

I wasn't ready to stop this. It felt so good!

A low groan  broke from Jay's chest as he pulled me even closer against him . I kissed him for as long as i could before my breath started to increase too much,  and then he pulled away as we both struggled to breath.

By this time my head was spinning with need. He pressed his forehead against mine,  still holding me against him as our breath slowed to normal. What he was doing to  me was beyond everything I have ever experienced  and I loved it.

" I've been dying to kiss you for a very long time,  but we have to stop before I loose control and want more.., " Jay said smiling.

I loved his movie star smile all those white teeth gleaming behind behind his perfect lips.

"Oh those lips"

" Yeah, you are probably right but I loved it though," I said smiling back.

"So what now? " Jay asked.

" I don't know yet,  my head is still spinning. "

" Don't tell me you are going to say you can't be with me because of Serena."

" Of coures not, " I said as i shook my head slowly,  biting down on my bottom lips to resist the urge to kiss him again."

He leaned even closer. " If you don't stop biting  your lips, l'm not going to concentrate on a word you say. "

I unhooked my lip from teeth and looked down shyly .

" Look at me, " he said.

I looked up to see his eyes looked on mine.  The uncontrolled desire in his eyes only made me heart pump even faster than before.

" Don't Shy away from me.  I love the new daring you alot!"

" Me too, " I said as his hand slid down  my back,  coming to rest on the small of my back .

He leaned on his car taking me with him and I leaned over his shoulder. Neither of us said anything for a while.

" I have something for you, " Jay said reaching in his pocket. He pulled out my bracelet and tied it around my wrist.

" Thanks , am never taking it off again, " I said recalling how it helped save me from Jim's clutches.

" Where did you learn to kiss like that?  " Jay asked a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth as he dipped his head towards mine.

" I guess I learnt from the best . I just followed your lead. Am glad you are my first kiss."

" Yes and I hope to be your first everything to," he said kissing my forehead.

That kind of gave me butterflies in my stomach.  I wished that we could stay forever this way not having to deal with Jim or Serena. I hope she understands  because there's no way am giving up Jay now!

Not for anything in this world!

" What are we know ?" Jay asked his chin resting on mine.

" I guess best friends with benefit, " I said laughing softly as i looked up to  look at Jay who was also smiling.

" But seriously though,  will you do me the honour of been my girl friend, " he asked standing in front of me .

" I would love that,  but am scared Jay, " I said  honestly.

" Of what? " he said as he strocked my cheeck. His eyes shone with sincerity.

I closed my eyes and cleared my throat. "Of this, of us.  Am afraid I will loose you if anything goes wrong. "

" You will never loose me. Don't think too much about it, Just go with it, and know I'll never force you into anything you don't want to do, okay? "

" I know that Jay, and you are right.  And so Yes. I'll be honoured to be your girlfriend, " I said as i ran a finger down the length of his jaw line.

My eyes fluttered closed as Jay kissed me and flipped over as he continued to kiss me. Butterflies were attacking my stomach and my legs were shaking. His hands cupped my jaw and I shuddered.

This kiss was different from the rest and I wanted more. It was soul consuming, intense and so much more. My hands drifted up and I clutched his arms as he held my face. 

My back touched the car door.

I stood on tip toe as i got closer to him and sunk my fingers into his hair and kissed him back harder.

After minutes,  seconds, I don't even know, we manage to break away from each other breathless.

" You taste so good, " he whispered  against my lips .

" That was crazy! " I gasp out loud and he laughs. 

That was so intense and it was only a kiss! He stoods up straight and pulled me into him.  He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

" I swear I'll try to be the best boyfriend ever, now let's go inside,  it's getting chilly out here, " he told me and i nodded, but I didn't  move. I felt so warm and safe in his arms, and I wanted to stay there forever!

A few seconds later, I pulled back reluctantly as he ran his hand down my arm, taking my hand and interlacing our fingers leading the way to my house.

The crazy part is that i was still yrarni g for his kisses! I just can't seem ti get enough.

This is by far the best night of my life!


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