chapter 34

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" No! This can't be true. " I said as my legs failed me and i fell to the floor.

" Why would I lie to you out about that, huh? Okay let me ask you something, where is your brother right now? Is he there with you? No right? I bet you can't even reach him on the phone , right? " Jim said.

" Please don't hurt him,..he's your brother to, " I pleaded with him. I really didn't know what else to do. Jim was hurting everyone I loved and there was nothing i could have done about it.

" Yeah... It's really funny how that turned out, but wait a minute, since he is your brother and mine to does it mean that you are my sister? Oh no! Am in love with my sister!" he said laughing like a maniac through the phone.

" Am not your sister you Idiot, now let my brother go?..he has done nothing to you! " I roar at the phone.

" Actually, Ethan was clever enough to find out who my spy was and also my hiding place and he told your Dad. That's why I had to do what i did to your Dad to punish you and also keep him from talking."

" Your spy? " i asked in a hoarse voice.

" Yes sky, the one that has been stalking you. How do you think I know everything about you? Your brother found out who it was but I was lucky enough to get to him before he ran to the police."

" Please don't hurt him Jim, it's me you want right? then I'll come to you but you have to let my brother go. "

" Utter girl! I told you that you'll come to me this time, but you thought I was bluffing. Your brother will be free and unhurt as long as you keep your word, " he says in a very serious tone that makes me tremble.

Am sure that if I don't do what he want he won't hesitate to hurt my brother, I mean the guy almost killed his own father!

"I won't do anything stupid, I promise. Just don't hurt him please."

" I won't hurt him and just so you know am not that bad, I'll give you the day to spend a little time with your Dad and say goodbye to your so called boyfriend. I can't wait to tell him that you are going to be all mine. "

"I'll send someone to pick you up in the morning and if you dare tell anyone about this, am not only going to hurt you brother but also his pretty little girlfriend, Men! that girl is hot! I have someone watching her and I know she is all alone in the house so play your cards right Sky. I can't wait for tomorrow, bye, " he said hanging up.

I was still on the floor my hands wrapped around my legs, while my chin rested on my knees and crying to my heart content. I knew I had just made a deal with the devil, but what else was I supposed to do when everyone I loved was in danger. Jim wasn't going to stop until he had me and this was the only way out.

I just hoped that he was going to keep his word and let my brother go or my sacrifice was going to be on vain.

I don't know how long I sat there crying but I had to leave after some women came in and started asking me so many questions. I walked through the hallway like a zombie, not knowing where i was going. My head was full of so many stuff that I thought it was going to explode.

I literally saw my life flashing right before my eyes ,because I knew going to Jim was just like committing suicide, there was no life after that.

" Am glad I found you, " Jake said out of breath standing in front of me and i was almost startled. He was still in his hospital gown and so I figured he wasn't discharged yet .

" What do you want? I really don't have the energy for this right now, " I said walking past him.

" Jim called me, " he said and i instantly stopped and turned around to face him, giving him all my attention. " He said that he has Ethan and was going to kill him as revenge because I betrayed him. "

" What? But... He can't kill him.We made a deal and he promised he won't hurt him! " I said in panic  almost shouting and got some crazy looks from some of the people that were walking around.

" Deal? What deal? Did he call you to? "

" No, It's Nothing. "

" Come on sky, your brother is in danger and the only way we can help him is by working together. "

" I don't trust you Jake! can't you see that? Your crazy son took after you with his crazy obsession to have me in any means possible! Am so confused right now, that I don't know what to do, " I said covering my face with my hands, to keep my self from screaming out all the pain that I felt inside.

" You don't have any choice, right now am the only person that can help you. Even though I didn't raise jim, I know him in and out, and I can help you out if you let me. I know that you don't believe me, but please trust that I won't let Ethan get hurt" Jake said and I nodded my head ." Good, let's go talk in my room."

I decided to give Jake the benefit of a doubt ,maybe he was been sincere and even if he wasn't I didn't care. I had nothing else to loose anyway, because I had already sold my soul to the devil .

I told him everything and he tried to talk me out of it ,but I dint budge.We talked for a few minutes and I left his room after we were done, heading to the waiting room where I had left Jay. I know by now he was sick worried about me.

" Hey sky, wait up" A voice called from behind and I turned to see Chris walking over to me.

" Hey Chris, how is Serena? "

" She's fine, I was actually finishing off some paper work So we can go home, she was already discharged."

" That's good to know," I said forcing a smile.

" I bumped into Jay and he told me what happened to your father, am really sorry but am glad that he is going to be fine, " He said holding my hand.

" Thanks. "

" Am sorry for what I said yesterday. I didn't mean any of that, " Chris said sincerely.

" It's okay, I understand where you were coming from. "

"I'll be on my way, but if you need anything don't hesitate to call me okay? "

" Sure, " I said as i watched him leave.

" Oh.. and Jay was looking for you, I left him almost knocking the door down in the ladies washroom. You should probably find him. "

" Okay. "

I walked to the ladies and found Jay still calling my name.

" Where the hell have you been? you almost gave me a heart attack!" He said as soon as he saw me.

" Am sorry ," I said giving him a tight hug while sobbing

"It's okay, " he said pulling me back gently and tilting my chin up to look at him." Don't cry. I have good news, your Dad is awake and he is asking for you."

" Really? " I asked a huge smile covering my face while Jay nodded his head smiling back. " What are we waiting for? Let's go!"


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