chapter 29

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"What the hell happened?" Ethan asked practically flying down the stairs shocked. " Get me the first aid kit quick!"

I run to my Dads room where it was usually kept and i rushed back giving it to him. I watched him take some bandages wrapping them tightly around her wrist and applying pressure on it probably to stop the bleeding or maybe slow it down.

" Serena, stay with me okay? " please don't close your eyes, " he said touching her cheeks try to keep her focused on him but she seemed to be kind of dizzy and was not responding.

I was standing there, tears flowing from my eyes praying that this was all a bad dream that am soon going to wake up from. I just couldn't seem to make sense of what just happened!

The bleeding seemed to have minimized but was not stopping. The blood was starting to soak through the bandage.

" The cut is deep ...We have to take her to the hospital right away, There's no time to call for an ambulance, " Ethan said carrying her bridal style while I rushed to open the door.

" What happened, " Eddy asked rushing towards us concern and shock clear on his face. He was with another cop I haven't seen before.

" No time to explain, can you please take us to the nearest hospital? " Ethan said and Eddy hurriedly opened the back door and he laid her in the back seat gently.

Ethan and i were sittted in the back seat with Serena while Eddy was driving like a mad man. She had completely lost consciousness and I was glad we were in a police car because it was easier surpassing the other cars on the road.

In a few minutes we were at the hospital. We weren't allowed in the emergency room so we just waited outside.

" Come on let's go wait in the waiting room, " Ethan said taking my hand and dragging me with him to the waiting area.

I still wasn't in my right mind. Everything that happened was still not clear on my mind. I felt like my brain and body weren't my own. How could she do that to her self? What the hell is wrong with her?

I'm to blame. I pushed her into the decision to kill herself!

I thought I was going to vomit but nothing came out. Just wave after wave of nauseating pressure, from my temples to toes. Then came a cold black fear like I'd never known. My head swam and absolutely nothing in my body or surrounding made sense. I couldn't breathe.

What the fuck is happening to me? Am i dying?

" Sky hey, are you okay, What's happening ?" Ethan asked as I was trying to steady my breathing.

" I don't know.. I.. Can't breath, " I said as he sat me down.

" We need a doc....

" No don't, I'll be fine, " I said stopping him. I was starting to get my breathing back to normal and I didn't think there was any need for a doctor.

" Are you okay? I think you are having a panic attack, just breath okay? I still think we should see a doctor, this has never happened to you before," he said with great concern in his voice.

" Am good now, please don't worry. Everything is just happening way  too fast and I can't seem to catch a break. This was obviously going to happen. Is it my fault? Do you think am to blame? " I asked silent tears falling from my eyes.

" What?! No, it's not your fault. She made that decision all by herself, Don't blame yourself. "Ethan said pulling me in a hug." Now calm down. "

Ethan hugged me for a few more  minutes, consoling me , While i cried on his shoulder. Everything I knew or maybe thought I knew about life had changed. I could no longer see the world in colour anymore!

" We should call Chris, " I said as i pulled away from the hug and reached for my phone in my pocket but it wasn't there. I don't seem to know where my phone is nowadays!Ethan seemed to have notice my predicament and handed me his phone.

Chris answered on the third ring and I asked him to meet me at the hospital, of course he asked why, but I told him I would tell him once he got here.

" What now? Do you think she'll be fine? "

" We got her here as fast as we could so I hope she'll be fine. What happened? How did it happen? " Ethan asked sitting next to me.

" I really don't know .When you went upstairs to get your keys ,I left for a few seconds to get her some water and when I got back she was........ " I didn't have the strength in me to finish that sentence. " She wants me to break up with Jay. Why is it so hard for her to understand? I really don't know what to do. "

"Dont think too much about it. You should go home and get some rest I'll wait for Chris Okay?"

" No. I'll only leave after I know that she's okay, I owe her that much. "

" Stop that, you don't owe her anything and it's not your fault . No one chooses who to fall in love with and Serena will have to understand that. Please stop blaming yourself, okay"

" Okay, " I answered quietly.

" I think that's the doctor who was treating Serena. I'll go talk to him stay here, " he said as he walked over to the doctor.

I wanted to follow him but I was to scared of what the doctor would say. If anything happens to her am sure I will never be able to forgive myself.

Serena was always the strong one between us and I never thought that she'd ever hurt herself because of a boy! That was something that I never expected. Why would she ever want to be with someone who doesn't love her?

I spotted Chris coming into the hospital and I got up to meet him half way.

" Are you okay? What are you doing here? " he asked.

" Am fine," I said not sure of how I was going to tell him what happened.

" Then why did you call me here? "

" Um, it's Serena. She tried to kill herself. "

" what? ! Why would she do that? Is she okay? "

" I don't know yet, Ethan went to check with the doctor, " I said as he rushed past me towards Ethan who was walking towards us.

" How is she? What did the doctor say? " Chris asked nervously.

" She's stable but still uncouncious. He said that the cut was deep but we got her here just in time, " Ethan said as i sighed from relief.

" Oh thank God, Can we go see her? "I asked.

" Not yet. He said that we should come back tomorrow."

" You guys should leave. I'll call my parents and tell them what happened ," Chris said trying to dismiss us.

" I don't want to go yet," I said.

" You are the reason she's here sky, I really dont think you should be here in the first place!" Chris said angrily.

" Hey, that's my sister you are talking to that way! and let me remind you that we are the ones who brought Serena to the hospital. Serena did that to herself and we practically saved her life! " Ethan said.

" If it wasn't for Sky and Jay, This would not have happened?" Chris said furiously and then turned to look at me. "That relationship of yours is jinxed. You should just leave him already! What if Serena tries to do this again and no one is there to stop save her, What then sky? "

" Well, I guess you should keep a close eye on her then, right? And don't you dare blame my sister for this ever again! Lets go sky, we are not needed here anymore, " Ethan said walking towards the exit and I followed .

When we were about to walk out, someone was rushed in by the cops. He was beat up so bad and his face looked kind of familiar.

" Oh my God Ethan! that's Jake! " I said grabbing his arm and turning him around so that he could see him.

" Yeah...What happened to him, he looks like shit!" he said as we followed the cops to find out.


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