Chapter 15

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"Your mum and i met in high school and became best friends," Dad started his story while he sat on the couch. "She was an orphan and was living with her aunt at the time. I had just moved here with my parents and she was my first friend. We used to almost do everything together and really enjoyed each others company.You know that old truck, the one you keep on asking  me to get rid off,  it was my Dads and also our get away truck," he said smiling.

"Whenever either of us had any problem at home or at school, we would take the truck for a long drive talking about our problems and that somehow made us feel alive. We had become so close that her then  boyfriend Jake,who i assume is Jims father became jeolous. He kept on telling her to stay away from me and that i was inlove with her but she didn't. He was right though, i had fallen hard for your mum and i didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling her and anyway she had a boyfriend whom she loved alot," Dad said as we listened carefully  daring not to interept him. The way he talked seemed like his mind and heart had taken a trip back to the past.

"One day your mum was acting very weird in school. She was avoiding me and thats something that never happened..ever! I cornered her after school and she finally told me why she was hiding from me. Jake had beaten her black and blue all because she didn't want to break our friendship. I was ready to go and break his face something i always wanted to do but she stopped me. She covered for me saying he had already apologized and she forgave him.

I tried telling her that it wasnt going to be the last time he'd hit her , but she was so inlove or should i say blind to see it. Jake never abused her again after that but he always mistreated her and also cheated on her more times than i can remember. I really hated seen her suffer but there was nothing i could have done. She was crazy inlove with him that she felt she couldn't survive without him.

I couldn't take it anymore and thus i decided to enroll myself to a university in the city after highschool . I tried one last time to convince her to come with me but like always, she declined all because of Jake and his false promises. The last i heard of her before leaving town was that she had moved in with her boyfriend and apparently,  they were happy.

I never dated anyone all my life because she never left my heart not even for a second. Three and a half years later i was done with the university and i moved back to town and opened my first restaurant. I hadn't heard anything about her in those three years but a few months later i met her in the most unimaginable way ever.

I was driving my Dads truck  at night going home from work when suddenly someone appeared from nowhere and i almost hit them with my car. I stopped the  car and rushed out to see your mum standing out in the middle of the road shaking and
holding a child with bruises all over. She was still as beautiful as i could remember even with all the bruises and as soon as she saw and recognized me she fainted.

"Wait....who was the child? i mean do we have another sister or brother  we dont know about ?" i asked really confused.

"I was the child sky ," Ethan said.

"What? How?...Wait, that would mean that you are not Dads real son and Jim is your brother?! Oh my God, how long have you known about this," i asked getting really angry. "How could you keep this from me?"

"Am sorry sky, I found out when i was 14. Jake send me a letter from prison telling me that i was his son and that Dad stole me from him. I gave Dad the letter and that's when he told me everything. I didn't know anything about Jim though," Ethan said.

"Yes , and just because my blood is not running  through his veins doesn't mean he is not my son .We are sorry for not telling you ,we were waiting for the right time," Dad said.

"This is too much to take in ,I could never have imagined something like this, not in a million years," i said still startled.

"I get it if you need time to take all this in, we can talk about this later," Dad said.

"No...lets finish this. Am okay," I said as i gestured for my Dad to countinue.

"Okay, i took your mum and Ethan and rushed them to the hospital. As soon as she recovered she was so happy to see  me that she thought it was a dream. She told me that after  she moved in with Jake everything went from bad to worse. He would beat her up almost everyday and bring different women to their house and also became a drunkard. When finally she gathered enough  strength to leave him she found out she was pregnant . She didn't have a job or anywhere to go, and she had no choice but to stay. She said that Jake changed a little when he heard about the pregnancy and even stopped drinking but that didn't last for long.

She left him one day when he almost killed her, but he later found her and threatened to take Ethan away from her if she ever left him again. That night that i almost hit her with my car she was running away from him. That had became her life she said ,playing hide and seek with him. That night she had found him with a woman at their house and when she asked her to leave Jake started hitting her as usual and almost burned the house down with them in it. She managed to escape with Ethan without him seen them. Jake thought  they were trapped in the fire.

After that i took her in. She admitted she was inlove with me after a few months of Staying together and we got married a year later. She didn't  need to get a divorce from Jake because they weren't legally married yet and that made everything much easier. A few months later she was Pregnant with you and that was the best news i ever heard. I took her and Ethan out to celebrate and thats when Jake spotted her .He stalked her and Ethan from then and when i found out i did everything i could to protect her. I beat the crap out of him one day when i caught him and i even got a restraining order. He tried taking Ethan away from us legaly but lost the case.

The day i'll never forget,was the day you were born. Your mum called me from work and said that she was in labour. She was waiting for me on the drive way so i could take her to a hospital. I wasn't that far away but jake got there before me and kidnapped her. He beat her  up so badly with the intention to kill the child in her womb. Your mum  fought back and managed to hit him with a rock on his head and he fell uncouncious. She took his car  and drove straight to the hospital. She gave out my number and the hospital called me. I drove there like a mad man blaming myself for all that happened.

When i got to the hospital, you were already born. Your mum was still alive but she looked so pale. The doctors said that she had lost alot of blood and only a miracle could save her. She told the police Jakes location and luckily they caught him. She died in my arms after making me promise not to blame myself for what happened and that i would always take care of you two and that's how we lost her," he said as he wiped a tear from his eyes.

"Jake was arrested and is still in jail till now and thats the whole story. I didn't know about Jakes other family."

"Am sorry i made you relive all that," i said hugging him tears rolling down my eyes.

"It okay....I had to tell you one day anyway, " he said as Ethan joined in the hug." I love you kids so much!"

"Mum really went through a lot, i wish i had met her," i said tears still streaming down my eyes.

"Yes, she was a strong woman. Our super mum ," Ethan said smiling and wiping away my tears.

" Yeah.." i said.

That night i didn't  get any sleep. I couldnt help but notice how Dads story was somehow similar to mine and Jays. One thing i came to know is that if it was meant to be , it will  definetly be no matter what happened.


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