chapter 40

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Everything happened so fast. Jake pushed Ethan aside and got shot instead.

" Dad!!" Jim shouted letting go of me and i quickly ran over to Ethan. Jims hands were trembling ,but he was still aiming the gun at Ethan.

I tried standing in front of Ethan but he pushed me to his back, shielding me instead . Jake was lying there blood gushing out from his chest, wailing in pain.

" Look what you made me do Ethan!" Jim said his fingers pulling his hair, with one hand.

" Stop this Jim.... We have to take him to the hospital before he bleeds to death, " Ethan said trying to reason with him.

" The only one who is going to bleed to death here is you, " Jim said but before he could pull the trigger again, Jay suddenly appeared behind  him, and kicked his hand making him drop the gun.

Ethan ran and took the gun from the floor while Jay pinned Jim to the wall.

" We need to call for an ambulance, " I said kneeling next to Jake, placing his head on my lap. " Don't worry, you'll be fine. "

" It's okay... Sky, " he said coughing  painfully. " My time has come and.... Am paying for all of my mistakes. Please forgive me. "

" Of course I forgive you, now please don't talk you have to save your energy," I said tears falling from my eyes.

How could  i not forgive him after he saved my brother!

Ethan gave the gun to Jay and walked over, kneeling beside me.  He took off his shirt, covering the wound and pressing it down hard with both his hands to stop the bleeding .

Jay pointed the gun at Jim, motioning him to sit down and he did.

" Am sorry... Son for everything I did to your mum. "

" It's all in the past okay and like sky said, you should save your energy. You need to get better so we can get to know each other better... Dad, " Ethan said a tear falling from his face.

" You called me Dad !" Jake said smiling weakly, as tears streamed from his eyes. " Now I can die in peace, for sure. "

" No, you can't die Dad! Am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, " Jim said. He was still on the floor wiping the tears from his eyes.

Jay was still pointing the gun at Jim, his eyes fixated on him.

" It's okay, Jim. Everything is my fault, I started all this and i deserve whats happening to me," Jake said . " Please just stop all this before it's to late."

" Okay Dad... I'll stop..ill do whatever you want ,but please don't leave me, " Jim said sobbing .

Jake started coughing uncontrollably, and we all panicked.

" What's taking them so long!"  I asked looking around nervously.

After a few minutes , we had police siren followed by an ambulance and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The inspector was the first to show up followed by the medics.

The medics worked fast and rushed Jake to the  hospital while Jim and one of his goons were handcuffed at taken to the police car.

" Where is Eddy? " I asked.

" He was able to get away from me , but don't worry about that, all that matters is that you are okay, " Jay said hugging me.

" I thought I'd never see you again, " i said crying against his chest as he kissed my hair.

" We need to head to the hospital now"  Ethan said as i pulled back from the hug wiping my tears.

Jake was taken to a nearby hospital and we followed the inspectors car there. We waited for twenty minutes before the inspector came back with news.

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