chapter 17

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"What now? I mean, this is crazy! I just learnt about him yesterday and he's already out of prison? How many years was he in for?" I asked Ethan going back to the couch.

"He was supposed to be in prison for thirty years. His was charged with aggravated or sometimes known as first degree kidnapping which usualy requires that the accused either physically harm or Sexualy assault the victim. The only way he could have gotten out was if he was given time off for good behaviour," Ethan said.

"That's not okay! They shouldn't let people like him out for any reason. He should rot in prison!" i said looking at Ethan who seemed to be kind of lost." Am sorry, i know he's your father...i shouldn't have said that."

"No, dont be sorry, i actually feel the same way and he's only my biological father...nothing more."

"Are you okay though ?" i asked walking over to him and placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You really dont have to worry about me. I will be fine as long as you are."

"Do we tell Dad or not?" i asked.

"Yes...but after he comes back, he's already stressed out with work and everything that happened to you already."

"Okay,"i said as we went back to the couch each of us lost in our own thoughts.

A few minutes later the door  bell rang. Ethan went to open and Jay walked in followed by a very beatiful girl. She was very pretty , dark haired and deeply green eyed with a very beatifull smile.

The girl was about my age , tall but not very tall and she was standing really close to jay acting flirty. I  instantly felt an extreem painful crazy feeling in my chest seeing them like that.

"Hi ,am celyn," the girl said stretching out her hand to Ethan who was frozen, what was wrong with him!

He was looking at her like she just fell from the skies, a smile tattoed on his face.

"Hey, Ethan don't be rude....Say hi ," Jay said hitting him playfully on his shoulder while he came to sit with me.

" Am sorry about that, am Ethan and thats my sister sky. Please ,come in," he said .

" Hi sky, it's nice to finally meet you. I have heard alot of things about you from jay, that i feel like i already know you," she said  bending and giving me a hug.

Oh ,okay....I wasnt really expecting that.

"Hi celyn , its nice to meet you. Am sorry to say, but i haven't really heard much about you," i said watching her sit opposite jay and i.

Ethan went and sat beside her  still mesmerized by her. Well
...i dint blame him she was really beatifull.

"That is soon to be corrected sky. You'll know everything about me soon because am your future best friend ," she said with a smile

"Dont think i'll let you steal her away from me," Jay said pulling me close to him, as i smiled against his chest.

It really felt nice and warm.

"Hey! why isn't anyone fighting over me?" Ethan asked frowning like a baby. "If you want we can be future best friends to celyn," he said and i couldn't help but laugh.

Atleast they had changed the mood in the house.

"I would love that ," Celyn said winking at Ethan.

Did i just see Ethan blush?!

Okay its official , i  really like this girl.

"Celyn is going to be staying with us from now on, and i wanted you guys to meet her. Our mums went to school together and were best friends and that how we knew each other. She can be very crazy sometimes, but i know you'll love her ," Jay said playing with my hair.

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