chapter 14

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The way she looked at me made me feel like i was trespassing into someones property.

"Good morning," i said smiling as i slowly unwrapped Jays hands from around me but he held me even tighter.

"Goodmorning ,Ethan told me about what happened yesterday and i just had to come see you but i can see you are in good hands." She said trying to hide her jeoulosy but i could see right through her.

I dint know what to say after that,the last thing i wanted was Serena to be jealous of me.

"Are you okay? I hope he dint hurt you? She asked really concerned sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No he dint ,am okay."

Jay finally woke up and let go of me and we both sat up facing Serena.He put his arms around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head .

"Morning you two" he said.

"Morning." we both said in unison.

"Come, he said taking my hand in his and leading me to the bathroom. "Go freshen up ,I'll be in your kitchen making you breakfast."

I looked at Serena who was just silent staring at us and nodded at Jay as i watched him leave the room.

"I'll be back ," i told Serena as i went to the bathroom.

I was soon done and joined her on the bed.I told her what happened even though it was hard and she was there comforting me all the way.

"Jim better make sure the police catch him first because if i do am going to cut his throat open," She said really angry.

"I hope they get him soon too, am already having nightmares and i hate the fact that i have to look over my shoulder everytime i go out ."

"Dont worry ,i wont let anything happen to you i'll be your personal body guard if i have to sky, " She said giving me a smile and i couldn't help but smile back giving her a hug.

"Okay lets go,am so damn hungry ," i said touching my stomach and leading the way.

When we got to the kitchen Ethan was busy setting the table with chris and Jay was with my Dad making breakfast.

"You dint tell me chris was here."

" Am sorry ,it must have slipped my mind," Serena said.

"Hi ,how are you," Dad said as soon as he saw me kissing me on the forehead and giving me a hug.

"Am good but really hungry, am glad you are back."

"Well am glad that you're hungry because i have made delicious food for you,come," he said leading me to the table while serena followed.

"Wow my favourite ," i said excitedly taking a samosa and almost shoving it all in my mouth .

"Come on sky ,you know you dont have favourites when it comes to food, You literally eat everything" Ethan said and everyone burst out laughing as they took their sits.

"I wont deny that," i said smiling.

"Hi sky ," chris said taking a seat beside me.

"Hey chris," i said taking a sip of my coffee which tasted heavenly.

"Am glad you are fine, you know am here for you."

"Thanks chris," i said .

After breakfast we all watched some movies and even played dice.They were trying their best to make my day and i can proudly say they succeeded.

"Can i talk to you ," chris asked and i nodded.

I took him by the hand and led him outside to the porch. A cold shiver ran through me as i recalled how i was kidnapped but i quickly brushed the thought away.

"Are you okay? we can talk inside if you want to," Chris said as he noticed my mood change.

"Its fine, whats up?

"Nothing much ,i just want to apologize for been a jerk at the party and ask if you'd like to go out with me and there is no pressure you can take all the time you want to think about it," he said nervously.

"I dont know ," I said avoiding his gaze.With all this Jim stuff i dont think i was ever going to be ready to go out in public.

"I know what you're thinking but dont worry i'll be with you the whole time and i wont let anyone harm you just give me a chance sky."

"Okay, why not."

"Seriously? he asked with huge a grin on his face.

" I already said yes ,now dont make me regret it."

"Thank you ,i swear you wont regret it," he said as he suddenly lifted me up and spinned me around. I really dint see that coming.

"Hey put me down before we both fall," i said laughing as he put me down slowly.

"What was that for.I only agreed to go out with you not marry you okay, dont get it twisted," i said hitting him playfully on his chest.

"To me ,they are actually the same thing, so how about next sunday?"

"Yeah okay,lets go back in now ,it getting kind of chilly out here," i said turning and walking back in.

Jay and Serena were busy chatting when we got in and Ethan was still playing chess with Dad.Chris went straight to Serena and told her the good news. I wasn't really sure whether he did that to spite Jay or because he was excited. Jays face was covered with a frown .I knew he dint like it but this had to happen. It was the only way out of this dilemma i was in.

"I have to go now," Jay said as he walked towards me." Call me if you need anything anytime okay," he said giving me a quick hug and left before i could say anything.

"So you two are going out now ? you might be my brother but if you hurt her you'll have to deal with me," Serena said giving Jay a warning look as i sat down beside her.

"okay."Chris said as he left to Join my Dad.

Serena turned to me and clasped my hands in hers. She looked at me straight in the eye and for the first time in our long years of friendship, her eyes showed a seriousness and a responsibity that frightened me.

"Sky is something going on between you and Jay,"Serena asked.

I wasnt that surprised because i knew this was coming.

"Ofcoures not .Jay and i are only friends,why would you ask that?"

"Am sorry but after what i saw in the morning i couldn't help but ask. You two looked so good together that i got kind of jealous,Am sorry."

"Its okay,you know i'll never betray you like that.

"You promise."

"I promise."i said knowing that it wasnt going to be easy to keep that promise.

A few hours later Chris and Serena left.This was the right time to talk to my Dad about what Jim said i couldn't hold it in any longer.I had to know if it was true or not .

"Dad, i need to talk to you about something," i said.


"I need you to tell me everything about mum.How you two met ,how you fell inlove, everything,"i said as they both looked at me really surprised.

"Is this about what Jim said? Are you sure you want to talk about it now?" he asked.

"Am sure. Its really strange how you two never talk about mom and after what Jim said i want to know the every detail there is.

"Okay i think it's about time you know the whole truth," he said with a sigh looking from me to Ethan.

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