chapter 5

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It was nearly dawn before i got to sleep.My head barely hit the pillow when a loud sound awakened me.

Arg! Stupid alarm .

I dragged myself out of bed,quickly got ready for school and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Goodmorning kiddo", my Dad said as i was coming down the stairs.

"Morning", i said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi sky "

"Wow ,look who is up and ready,nice job bro" i told him with a smile.

"Are you ok? You seem a little under the weather ", Dad said touching my forehead to  feel my temperature as if i was a baby.

"Am good,just a little tired but fine".

"Are you sure? You know you dint come down for dinner last night also."

"yes am sure and i wasn't that hungry last night Dad," i said trying to convince him.

"Ok, I'll see you guys later then," he said as he took his keys and left.

A few minutes later i was in school and all settled.Serena wasn't here yet which was really strange,i also tried calling her but her phone was off.She was never one to miss school unless something was wrong .What happend  last night? I asked myself hoping it wasn't what i was thinking.I had to call jay for answers.

"Hi sky,morning " Jay answered on the first ring.

"Morning ,Can i see to you after class?

"Yeah, lets meet at the cafeteria ok"

"Ok ,see you then," I said hanging up.

After class i went to the cafeteria to find Jay.I was really curious at the same  time worried to what must have happened last night.

I spotted Jay as soon as i got in the cafeteria and walked towards him .Just looking at him made my heart skip a bit.What was this guy doing to me?

"Hey" i said taking a seat infront of him.

"Hi, Whats wrong you look kind of worried"

The way he was looking at me made me feel all type of ways .oh shit! I was really falling for my best friend.

"I need to know what happened last night ,how was the date?

"I thought Serena would have told you already" he said his chin resting on his hand.

"Well Serena din't come to school today and her phone is off ," i told him. i knew something was off when he stared at me for a whole second  which felt like eternity.

"Everything was fine ,i thought that she was ok with us being only friends."

"what are you talking about ?" i asked
getting really confused.

"I  told her the truth sky Ok"

"What truth ?just tell me what happend already," i said getting really impatient.

"That  we could never be more than friends ,she was ok with it  or atleast that what she made me think," he said concern showing on his perfect face.

"she must be really heartbroken to even miss school, l knew this was going to happen," I said as i got up and started walking away from him.

"where are you going?" he asked almost shouting.

"To class," i told him still walking but he was quick to catch up with me.

He stood infront of me reaching out and taking my hand into his which made me shiver.I  instantly pulled my hand away from him which left him very confussed and irritated.If he only knew what his touch was doing to me.

"why are you mad at me? You pritty much forced me take her out,i dint mean to hurt her or you." he said apologetically. I could really see the pain in his eyes.

"Yes you're right,its all my fault."Am sorry i got you into this mess,Am really sorry,I said fighting back tears.

"It's noones fault, i just said yes to her so that i could take the chance and explain to her that we could only be friends, i really never ment to hurt her," he said trying to take my hand in his again but i dint let him.

"you've been acting weird with me lately and i know its not all about the date,whats up with you?"

"Nothing is wrong Jay and speaking of weird,you are the one who was giving me attitude at Serenas yesterday," i said trying to control my anger.

"I was going through something and am sorry if i took it out on you.Come on ,you know i cant stand it when you're mad at me." he said lifting up my chin so i can face at him.

"Am not mad at you ok,i have to go now ,"i told him as i walked out of the cafeteria leaving him standing .I felt so stupid ,why was i even mad at Jay when it was not  his fault.

"That was quite a scene you made at the cafeteria,I' ve actually never witnessed such an entertaining lovers quarrel." a familiar voice said behind my as i was making my way to class.

"Am not in the mood Joy ," i turned and told her rolling my eyes.

"Come on Sky that was straight fom a soap opera, Any who where is you crazy friend today,i haven't seen her around?" she asked really getting on my nerves.

"Whats your problem,dont you have better things to do because i do." i told her as i continued with my walk to class. I dint want to waste my time arguing with her ,i  mean i was already having a bad day. All i wanted was to see Serena but that had to wait until  after school.

Thankyou guys for reading my story.This is my first book and i hope you bare with me for any mistakes.I have always wanted to do this and am so excited and am really looking forward to you walking with me through this journey.pliz dont forget to vote and comment.

Thank you again

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