chapter 43

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" Sky hurry up, we don't have all day, " Ethan shouted from down  stairs  as i came rushing down. " It's about time! "

Jay and celyn were with him, and we were on our way to the city for Jay's big day. Can you imagine that he got a gig in the city and it was already sold out!  He also had other shows lined up and had already purchased a two bedroom apartment in the city
That's where we were heading to. I was super excited and happy that all his dreams were coming true, and I was going to be with him all the way.

" You don't have to be all dramatic Ethan! I didn't take that long and we still have time," I said rolling my eyes at him. "

" Time?!  We have a five hour drive ahead sky! We'll be so tired when we get there and we'll have to rest before the show, especially Jay, " Ethan said glaring at me.

What was his problem?  I mean yes, I might have taken my time in the shower and packing but we were going to stay there for a week  and I had to make sure I had everything I needed.

"Cut it out already Ethan, we still have time, " Jay said walking up to me and taking my hand.

" Yes, and all this fighting is making us more late, " celyn added.

" Okay, let's go, " Ethan said leading the way.

It had been four weeks already after graduation and everything was completely back to normal. Ethan had graduated to and he was now officially a lawyer. He was also in a relationship with Celyn, and  his life was going great. I was very happy for him, even though he was so annoying at times.

Serena kept her word and left town with Chris, the next day after graduation, which was also my birthday. She didn't even show up to wish me a happy birthday.

Yeah, I know what you are thinking, She was really in a hurry to get out of this town or was it away from me?

I didnt know, but one thing I was sure about is that i was really going to miss her.

Jim was still on trial and I hadn't seen or heard from him yet, since that day in the hospital. I heard from Ethan that he would probably get thirty years max or maybe even a life sentence.

Believe it or not, I was really hoping that he wouldn't get a long sentence, so that he could have a second chance in life. Everybody deserved that, right?

Dad had been in the city for a week already, working on the opening of the new restaurant and Yes, his leg had healed almost completely. The restaurant was going to be opened in five days and I was so excited to see it.

Ethan was right about the ride, it was so exhausting, but finally we were here. Jays apartment was super huge, and beautiful and was fully furnished.  It had that homely smell. I loved it already.

" So guys... what do you think?" Jay asked excitedly as soon as we got in.

" It's great, but isn't it to big for one person?" celyn asked looking around.

" Its not mine alone, Sky is going to move in with me as soon as she joins a university here in the city, and the spare bedroom is for you two when you come over for a visit."

" What?!  but she hasn't said anything about that yet? " Ethan asked looking at me. "

" Dad already knows, we talked to him about it  before he left and he was okay with it. "

" Well... I guess it's okay. I know Jay will take good care of you so you can go ahead and do it then. "

I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

" I wasn't asking for your permission Ethan!" I said rolling my eyes.

" Okay... let's not argue again, am to tired for that. So where's our room, I need a long shower and some sleep . "

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