chapter 35

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" Dad, " I called out as I entered the room, giving him a very tight hug.

" Ouch! !" he said and i pulled back instantly.

I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Am sorry, I am just too excited, sorry."

" It's okay. "

He still looked like he was in pain, but was trying to hide it from me. Typical  Dad! He never wanted us to see his pain, he always tried to be strong for us.

" Are you in pain? I'll go call the doctor. "

" Sky no, am fine. I was just in a car accident  and so am bound to be in pain, right?  It's part of the healing process. "

" Okay.. But you had me worried for a minute there Dad. I know you miss mum and you probably want to be with her again, but we still need you  here," I said with a smile . "Am really happy that you are fine."

"Yes, I do miss your mum but there's no way I'll ever leave you especially with all this danger roaming around you. Where is Ethan?  Jay told me he wasn't here yet. "

" I just talked to him and he said he was caught up in something ,and that he'll be here early in the morning, " I lied.

" Well... it must be serious for him not to come see me. Are you sure he is okay?  The last time i talked to him ,he said that he already knew who the mole was among us and he was following him to find out where Jim is, but before he could tell me who it was the accident happened. " Dad said sounding worried.

" So he knows who the stalker is? " I asked  acting surprised. " He hasn't told me anything yet and don't worry, I can assure you that he is fine. "

I was not a good liar and I wasn't sure if he believed every lie coming out of my mouth. If he only knew what was happening!

" Can you please call him, I need to talk to him? "

" I don't think that's a good idea, you should get some rest and stop worrying. It's not good for your health, " I said praying that he would just drop the topic.

" But I just want to ...... ,

Dad was cut off by a doctor who walked in and I swear my heart jumped in relief.

" You need to leave  ,Your Dad will be moved to another room and you can come see him in the evening ," The doctor said.

" Go get some rest, you look exhausted and your eyes are so red and I know it's from all the crying. Don't cry anymore, okay?... I'll see you later, " he said as he kissed my hand.

" Okay Dad... see you later."

Twenty minutes later, we were home after Jay convinced me not to wait at the hospital.

" Has Ethan called you yet? This is so unlike him ," Jay said sounding concerned.

I was silent for a second, thinking whether to lie to him or not.

" Yes he did and he'll be home tomorrow. He said he got caught up with something , " I said deciding to stick to my lie, in case Dad asked Jay about it.

" Okay, you have like five hours to get some sleep before we head back to the hospital . Go get some rest and I'll be right here in case you need anything."

" No...I don't want to sleep,i just want to stay here with you please ?" I said as i clutched  his forearm and rested my head on his shoulder.

I didn't have a lot of time with him and was going to make the best of the little I had. I can't believe I was not going to graduate or have normal life again! I closed my eyes, my head still on Jay's shoulder trying to remember when exactly my life got to this point.

" Are you okay?  You are awfully quiet," Jay said and then suddenly sat up. "I have an idea, Why don't  I take off my shirt, that always gets you excited. "

I sat up and looked up at him smiling while he winked at me." I'd really love that. "

" I knew you could never say no to that, " he said unbuttoning his shirt looking at me, a sexy smile plastered on his face. " Wait....we can't do that here? "

" So you were only messing with me," I said making a sad face.

" Don't be sad, I was only trying to distract you. You are always so dull nowadays and I hate the fact that i can't cheer you up or take away the pain you are feeling. "

" It's not you fault, you are literally the best thing that I have right now Jay. You are the sun to my clouded life, "I said caressing his cheeks. " Thank you for always been here for me, I'll never forget that...ever."

" Why are talking as if you are saying goodbye. " he asked looking at me confusingly.

" I just wanted to let you know that you are special, and I appreciate you , that's all. "

" You are special to, very special, " he said his fingers crawling up my neck and cupped my jaw.

Back and forth his eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips  and a soft gasp leaves my mouth as his thumb traced my bottom lip. He leaned over kissing me so hard that when he  Pulled away I was dazed! I was really going to miss him.

"I love you , "he said looking at me when I was still trying to catch my breath. "

" I love you," I said leaning back against his chest.

The hours passed by so fast and we went back to the hospital. Dad was still getting better and we talked  alot reminiscing about old memories and laughing at his jokes , until the short nurse came to kick us out.

" Visiting hours were over a long time ago!" she said folding her hands against her chest.

" Are there no other nurses here, or are you the one incharge of kicking people out of the hospital or something ? " I asked rudely rolling my eyes.

" Don't be rude sky, she's just doing her job.," Dad said and turned to look at her. " Am sorry about that, they were just leaving."

" Okay.... I hope I don't find you here when I get back," She said and then left.

" Don't worry, you'll come back tomorrow, " Dad said after he noticed the frown that had formed on my face.

" Okay."

I gave him a hug and after some few seconds we left.

We were in my house and Jay was going to spend the night since I was all alone. After dinner we went straight to bed and Jay was quick to fall asleep. He was really exhausted.

I stayed up a little longer, watching him sleep wishing that morning never came . My heart crumpled as I cried silently . I watched him for a moment longer before sleep over powered  me.

I was woken up by my phones vibration the next morning . It was a message from Jim, saying that I should be ready in thirty minutes and that I shouldn't bring my phone along.

I got up quickly but quietly not to wake Jay up. I took a shower and  got ready on time. I  wrote Jay a letter explaining everything and placed it on the night stand . There was no word close to what I was feeling as I shut the door behind me, and left.


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