chapter 22

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We both walked up to the porch and Jay held the door for me as i walked in. He followed behind me as i sat on the couch and he sat next to me our fingers still entertwined.

Ethan and celyn were both quite their faces watching us curiously.

" So what took you guys so long? " Ethan questioned.

I sat straight up and turned my head to look at him. " We were just getting some air. "

" Oh, okay..... I didn't know there was no air inside our house."

" Will you stop being so nossy already!"

"Just spill it out already! What's going on with you two. Don't think we can't see the excitement in your eyes. Are you two dating? " Celyn asked.

Jay put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his side and kissed the side of my head. " Yes we are. She is my girlfriend. "

They didn't seem very much surprised, I guess the knew it was going to happen at some point.

He then turned and smiled at me before grabbing hold of my hand and started running his thumb back and forth over my hand. I looked down at our enterwined hands in silence and smiled to myself.

I know this is not the first time he's holding me like this , but today feels different. It felt so nice and comforting, I don't want it to stop.

" You guys look so good together, " celyn said smiling.

" They always did, and it's about time! "Ethan said.

" Yes.... It's a dream come true for me," Jay said excitedly.

" Am so happy for you. I think we should celebrate or something right? " celyn asked.

" Of course we will, definitely! but right now we have to get some sleep. we have school tomorrow, " Jay said standing and taking me with him as i put my hands around him, my head resting on his chest.

I wasn't ready to let him go yet, but he was right though. It was almost eleven thirty and we had school early in the morning.

" Okay....but someone doesn't want you to leave yet. Maybe you should spend the night," celyn said winking at us with a naughty smile.

" Stop that celyn, she is still my little sister," Ethan said.

" I didn't say anything wrong! anyway, walk me out will you?" She asked Ethan taking his hand as they walked out.

I slowly raised my head to look up at Jay and our eyes lock. His eyes were full of different emotions .

" Can't you stay just a little bit longer?" I asked my eyes pleading.

" I would love to, but I want you to get some rest. I'll pick you up in the morning, " he said walking towards the door as i followed.

"Okay ,"I said kind of dissapointed .

Jay grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him. I leaned back against the door as he placed his hands on the door either side of my face. He was now towering over me, moving his body closer and closer so am completely trapped in his hold.

He lowered his head towards mine and stopped inches away from my lips. I felt his breath over my mouth and I knew he was waiting for my answer. I leaned towards him a little and he took that as a yes.

His mouth covered mine in a sensual kiss and I kissed him back with all my might.

A few seconds later he pulled away and watched me as i calmed myself down from the kiss.

" I really can't get enough of your kisses. I wish i didn't have to go, but I have to, " he whispered with a seductive sultry voice that made my whole body tremble with excitement." Goodnight Sky," he said kissing my forehead as he stepped around opening the front door .

I stood there and watched him until he was out the door and later on Sat back down.

"Did that really happen?!

" ouch, " I said as i pinched myself just to make sure that this wasn't a dream. Wow! I can't believe I just had my first kiss!From the time I was a little girl, I dreamt about it. I imagined it that it would be perfect and it was!

No, what am I saying ? it was actually more than perfect, straight out of soap opera !

" I can see someone is happy, " Ethan said sitting next to me. I didn't even know that he was back already.

" Yes, I feel great!"

" That's good, am glad you are putting yourself first. "

" Thanks bro," I said standing. " Good night, I'll see you in the morning. "

" Good night. "

I thought about the kiss and Jay all the way up the stairs. I thought about his warm hands and his hard body as i got undressed and put on my pajamas. Jay made me feel wanted, and for once in my life, I feel very beautifully and alive.

Wow! What a day!

A few minutes later i was cuddled up in my bed surrounded by warmth and heat. I felt like I was in a bed made of clouds and I just couldn't stop thinking about Jay.

Jay is literally driving me nuts! In a very good way.

I didn't want this day to end but what kept me awake and anxious was Serena. I knew i had to tell her first thing tomorrow and that made me really nervous. I didn't want to loose her and I really hopped she would understand.

I was woken up by my alarm the next morning. I got up ,quickly got ready , and went downstairs for breakfast.

" Are you okay? " Ethan asked as we were having our breakfast.

" Yes....No.. I really don't know. Am scared of how Serena will react once I tell her about Jay and I. "

" Like I told you before, if she is really your friend, she'll understand. It will be hard I know, but she has no choice, " Ethan said as i let out a deep sigh.

" Okay, I'll see you later, " I said as i took my bag and walked out the door.

Jay was already waiting for me and as soon as he saw me, he walked over giving me a hug.

" Goodmorning?" he said as he cupped my face and pressed a simple kiss to my lips.

" Morning," I said smiling.

"let's go, " he said as he walked towards the car with me following from behind.

The ride to school was the best. Jay had noticed that I was worried and kept on making me laugh all the way.

Soon we were in School ,but Serena was nowhere to be found. I wasn't sure whether to be relived because I had more time to think of how I was going to break the news to her, or worried because she only misses school when something is wrong.

The day was over and Jay and I were walking over to his car when I heard someone call my name from behind. It was in a low whisper and when I turned to look Serena was walking over to us.

" How could you? You betrayed me Sky! " she said as soon as she got close.

From the tone of her voice one could tell that she was pretty angry and had being crying.

"What are you talking about? " I asked.

" You want to know what am talking about huh? Here!"  She said handing me her phone.

There was a picture of Jay and I kissing from this morning.

What the hell! How did she get this!"

My heart was beating so fast as I looked up from the phone to Jay who was also looking at the picture .

" Please let me explain   " I said  looking at Serena who was looking at me like I was a stranger a tear rolling from her face.


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