Chapter 38

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Jay's pov

" So Jim let you go in exchange for sky?!  That's hard to believe," I said kind of shocked and dissapointed at the same time. I was really hoping that she was here to.

" Yes,  he actually kept his word. I think the fact that am his brother also saved me."

" Do you know where they might have taken her?" the inspector asked Ethan.

" No. The minute they spotted me, they blind folded me and took me to another location. Jim was hiding out at Eddy's house, that's why we never found him. "

" But why would Eddy help out Jim?  I still don't get it, " I said not talking to anyone in particular.

" Can you tell me exactly how you found out Eddy is working for Jim? " The inspector questioned Ethan.

" Yesterday in the morning , before you  Sky and Jay left for the hospital to see Serena, Eddy was talking to someone on the phone and he was acting kind of suspicious. He was outside close to the window and so I moved closer in away that he couldn't see me. I  heard him tell the person he was talking  to, that Jay spent the night and that got me thinking. Who  could he be talking to about about Jay spending the night? Who would want to know that and why?

" So thats how he found out," I said interrupting him. "Serena said that someone had called Jim at the hospital ,when he went to see her, and told him exactly what you just said. "

" Yes, I wasn't sure then, so when you left for the hospital, I followed him to his house and on the way I called Dad but before I could tell him  the line was suddenly cut off. I walked over to his house silently and peeped through the window and what I saw confirmed my suspicion. Jim was in Eddys house with four other guys. I tried to creep away quietly dialing the inspectors number, but Eddy saw me and quickly caught up with me pointing his gun at me. One thing I don't get is why they let me go knowing that i have all this information?"

"That is because Jim already has what  he wanted. He doesn't need Eddy spying on you guys anymore.  My guess is they are planning on leaving town but we won't let that happen. I have to go and tell my team about this new information ," the inspector said going back to the sitting room and we followed.

The sitting room was full of cops and I wasn't sure what they were still doing here.

"Where is my Dad? "Ethan asked.

" You mean, you don't know yet? "I asked really confused.

" Know what exactly?"

" Your Dad is in the hospital. Jim ran him over yesterday, I really thought you knew about it," I told him and watched as his eyes widened in shock.

" Jim did what? ! How is he doing?"

" He is okay and out of danger. Don't worry."

" Oh thank God! I guess I now understand why Sky did what she did. I would probably have done the same in her shoes."

" Yeah, but it was still crazy. I wish she trusted me enough to tell me. "

"I have to go see Dad. Will you come with me? "

" Of course," I said as i turned to inform the inspector.

As we were about to leave Ethan phone rang.

" It's a new number, " Ethan said answering.

It was Jim and the inspector kept on urging us to keep him on the call but Jim wasn't that stupid .

"We have to find him, before he hurts her? "  I said .

" Don't worry we'll catch him in no time  ," the inspector said as if he was so sure about it.

In a few minutes we were in the hospital. I had already told Ethan about the lie that sky made up about his where abouts and he promised to  keep it that way.

" Hi Dad, " Ethan said walking over to him and giving him a hug. " Am really sorry I wasn't here yesterday. "

" It's okay. All that matters is that you are here now."

" Where is your sister? "

" She'll be here later ."

" Thank you for taking good care of my daughter Jay, " He said looking at me with a smile as I smiled back.

If he only knew what his daughter was going through right now!

" So, you told me you found out who the traitor was."

" Yes Dad, its Eddy. "

" Eddy the cop?!  No wonder Jim found out everything we were up to. Was he already arrested , " Mr Banks asked angrily.

" Don't worry  the police are already on to him," I said.

We were there for a few minutes, until we had to leave. On our way out Jake stopped us and asked to talk.

" What the hell do you want? " Ethan asked.

" I need your help with something," Jake said looking nervous.

" And what makes you think that I'll help you huh? Stay away from me, " Ethan said and we started walking away.

" It's about Sky? "

" What?!  I asked as I turned and walked back to him while Ethan followed. " what about sky?  Do you know where she is? "

" I did but I don't any more, " Jake said.

" What are you saying?  Do you have anything to do with what is happening right now? " Ethan asked his fist ready to attack.

" No, I don't. Sky told me about the deal she had made with Jim. I was just helping her out. "

" Why would she tell you and not Jay?  Just stop playing with us and tell us whatever you know."

" Sky looked so confused and scared   after talking to jim .She had no choice but to tell me after I offered to help. We called the inspector and told him everything . He came over and gave sky a tracker in form of earrings, which she was supposed to put on when she went to meet Jim.The tracker is kind of unique, and can't be detected easily. That way, Jim would be caught and sky safe and free, killing two birds with one stone. "

" So you used her as bait? How could you?" I asked getting more agitated.

" We tried to stop her from going but she didn't listen. She would have gone either way and that was the only way we could help her. Jim told her not to tell anyone and so we had to keep it a secret."

" So ...What you are saying is that you know where she is, right? " Ethan asked.

" Like I said, we did , but not anymore. One of the policeman informed Eddy about the plan and he alerted Jim. We didn't know Eddy was helping Jim and thhat ruined everything. "

" That was so reckless of you. Her life is in more danger! who knows what he is going to do to her now!" Ethan said.

" So what is the inspector up to now?  How is he planning on rescuing her? " I asked hoping that they at least had a plan b.

"  They have lost all communication with sky as per now. When the police got to where Jim was keeping sky, they had already fled. They are still working on something. "

" This is all so messed up? Ever since you and your son came in our lives everything has been falling apart!" Ethan shouted at Jake pacing back and fourth. "

" I know that son but..... ,"

" Don't call me that," Ethan said cutting in on him. " I am not your son!"

" Okay, " Jake said hurt clearly showing on his face. " I think I know where Jim is taking sky. It's the only place he has right now and no one knows about it but me. "

" Let's call the police and inform them so they can come with us then, " I said taking out my phone but he stopped me.

" We can't do that. Eddy has friends in the police station .We can't have a repeat of what just happened. " Let's just go and get her."

" Okay, let's go, " Ethan said as we all practically ran out of the hospital to my car.


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