chapter 28

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Sky's pov

I woke up yawning and stretching out my hands reaching out for my alarm clock but I couldn't seem to find it. I sat up and looked around. It took me a second to remember I was in Ethan's room. I moved my hand around the bed trying to find my phone, but it was nowhere in sight. I heard a knock on the door and Ethan's walked in.

" Hey sis, morning ," he said sitting beside me on the bed.

" Morn, what time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes sleepily.

" It's almost nine."

" What?! Oh no, I can't miss school again. This is the second time this week, " I said groaning while holding my face.

" Don't worry , Jay is going to fill you in, okay? "

" Did Jay come to pick me up ?"

" Yes , but you were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you. You were even smiling in you sleep."

" Promise you won't let me sleep in again. I have less than two months to graduate and I have an exam coming up. I can't afford to miss school again!"

" Okay, I promise. Now let's go down for breakfast, I can hear your stomach growling all the way from here, " he said helping me out of bed and drags me out of the room.

Now that he mentioned it, I recalled that I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday in school. All this stress was making me lose my appetite, something that has never happened to me? You all know food is first love.

" Let me go to my room first, I'll join you in a few. "

" Do you want me to come with."

" No thanks, i think i can handle it . Am a big girl after all ," I said giving him a reassuring smile and then turned walking to my room.

I knew he was concerned about me but I dint think it was necessary
for him to treat me like a baby .This Jim stuff had gone on for so long and I wasn't going to let it weigh me down anymore.

When I got in my room, images of what happened last night started to play in my head, but I pushed them away just as quickly as they came. I went to the bathroom and had a nice long shower, something I was planning to do yesterday, before Jim ruined my evening.

I still couldn't get this one thing that Jim said out of my mind. Why would he say that I'd be the one to find him? Just thinking about it gave me bad vibes.

As soon as i was done showering, I brushed my teeth and put on a black short and a red tank top then went down stairs for breakfast.

" What took you so long, am starving here, " Ethan said as i went and sat opposite him on the dinning table. He had already set the table and my mouth watered just by looking at the heavy breakfast that was waiting for me.

" I dint know that you were having me for breakfast. "

" Do you even know what you just said? Anyway, I dint want you to eat alone so I waited for you."

" Aww, that's so sweet, but just admit it, you were worried about me being in my room alone right? Do you even know how bizarre that sounds. Don't worry am not going to have a mental breakdown, and I don't think Jim is going to show up here again," I said taking a bite of my sausage."

"I really love how you are Handling  everything. You sure are a hard nut to crack, " he said smiling at me proudly.

" Yes I am, nothing can ever bring me down. So Dad left early huh? "

" Yes. You know he is busy with all this new restaurant stuff. He had an important meeting today with some of the investors. I practically had to drag him out of the door since he didn't want to leave you alone ."

" I really miss him ,I haven't spent time with him in a while."

" He won't take that long .Once the meeting is over you can have him all to your self!"

" I can't wait!"

After breakfast I helped Ethan with the house chores and played some video games later on. A few minute later into the game the door bell rang.

" I'll get it, " Ethan said walking over and opening the door. I was surprised to see Serena walking in.

" Hi sky, can I talk to you alone, " She said looking at Ethan.

" Okay, I guess that's my que to leave. I'll be in my room if you need me, " Ethan said tapping my shoulder and going up.

" Uumhh...What do you want to talk about? " I asked nervously.

I really hope she's here to clear up the misunderstandings between us.

" About Jay, obviously there is nothing else left for us to talk about. " She said joining me on the couch.

" Okay....what about him? "

" Did he tell you that he came to my house last night and we had a make out session? " She said smirking slightly.

" What are you saying?"

" Is something wrong with your ears? You should get them checked out you know?" she said leaning on the couch.

" Okay Serena, I have known Jay all my life and am sure he'll never do that to me ."

" Yeah, and I thought i knew you to but look what you did to me! You took him away from me."

" He was never yours! I know you are acting out of jealousy and so I kind of get you, but this lies will not get you anywhere. "

" Look at you acting all tuff, I like it," She said smirking and nodding her head. "Anyway, if you really love Jay I think you should just let him go. You are risking his life by just being with him, I mean how many times has he cheated Death all because of you. If something happens to him, you only have yourself to blame."

" Jay knows about all the risks and he is still willing to be with me. Just get it through your thick skull already? Jay is mine and there's no way I'll let him go," I yelled. She was really getting on my nerves.

I stood up and started pacing around the room, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.

" Am sorry, i didn't mean to shout, am just really tired with everything that is happening. I don't want to fight with you....Why can't you just understand?"

" There's nothing to understand sky. You ruined our friendship all by yourself! If you don't want to lose me, you know what to do," she said as tears fell from her eyes. " I can't take the pain anymore, I feel like my heart will explode ."

"Come on Serena you are still young. You'll get over it sooner or later. "

" It's easy for you to say since the person you love, loves you back. What about me? I don't have anyone, not even you ," She said wiping her tears .

I wanted to hold her but I was sure she'd push me away. I really loved her and hated seeing her like this but there was nothing i could have done.

" Is everything okay? " Ethan asked coming down.

" Yes, I was just leaving, " Serena said getting up.

" I think Ethan should drive you home."

" Okay.. but only if you come along," Ethan said.

" You don't have to bother yourself, " Serena said.

" It's not a bother. Don't worry about me okay, I have someone watching over me outside. You'll just drop her off and then come right back. "

" Okay ,I'll get my keys in my room. "

" Wait here.... I'll get you some water before you leave, " I told her heading to the kitchen.

It took me only a few seconds to get the water by what I saw In the sitting room made me drop the glass and scream out in horror.

Serena had slit her wrists and blood was gushing out all over! She was still conscious looking at me with no expression on her face.

" Oh my God! Ethan help!.. I shouted my legs shaking in panic, not knowing what to do.


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