chapter 23

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" Explain? Okay,  let me here it!" she said wiping her tears bitterly and crossing her arms over her chest.

" I was going to tell you everything today, I swear!  I never wanted to hurt you. "

" How long has this been going on? " She asked sniffling.

It looked like she had been crying for a long time from the redness in her eyes and I hated seen her like this.

"Since yesterday," I said trying to take her hand but she pushed me roughly.  Jay was quick to catch me before I lost my balance and fell hard on the ground.

" Stop this Serena! This is not Skys fault.  You always knew I was never interested in you , and I never led you on!" Jay's said really upset.

" I know okay! " Serena said  in tears. " This is not about you..its between sky and me, so stay out of it Jay!"

"It's definitely about me! and don't' expect me to watch as you hurt sky," Jay said wiping tears away from my eyes. I don't even remember the exact moment I started crying.

"Am sorry.... I know it's all my fault, but I thought that maybe you would understand me. I didn't plan on hurting you in any way ," I said to her.

" To bad that am already hurt right?  You told me that you felt nothing for Jay when I asked , and you also promised never to hurt me like this remember?  Or did you by any chance loose your memory Sky?! I've being in love with him since the day I met him!  I had wanted to be with him for so long and you know what's interesting?  My so called best friend stole him from me. what kind of friend are you?!" She yelled bitterly.

"I was never your's Serena. And just so you know Sky was ready to give up her love for you. She wanted you to be happy even if it meant  staying away from me and loosing me forever! That's the kind of friend she is!" Jay said.

" Please forgive me Serena... Am so sorry,  I tried getting rid of the feelings I had for Jay but, i couldn't. "

" What about my brother huh? Aren't you supposed to go out with him? "

" I thought... that he would make me forget Jay and that's why I agreed to go out with him," I said honestly.

I had almost forgotten about my date with Chris.

" So you were just using him? Wow! Its funny how sometimes the people you'd take a bullet for,  are the ones behind the trigger! Wonna know what the saddest part is,  calling you my best friend.... instead of a fake friend. I hate you Sky, and I never want to see you again! " She said spiteful then turned and walked away.

" Serena wait....., I said trying to catch up with her but Jay stopped me.

" Not right now Sky, let her calm down first. "

" But....I have to talk to her.I need her to understand, i don't want to loose her," I said through tears.

" Yes ,I know but it's useless right now. You know she won't listen to you, let's just go home, " he said wrapping his arms around my shoulder and I had no choice but to listen to him.

I wanted so bad to turn and find her but Jay was right, this wasn't the right moment. Serena and i had never fought before and I hated feeling like we were worlds apart!

Jay helped me up in the car and put on my seatbelt.

" Stop crying okay, this is not your fault. If she was a good friend she would have understood you like you did her, " he said tilting up my chin so I could face him.

" You are wrong Jay ,it is my fault , " I said wiping a tear.  " I broke the promise I made her. Maybe this is wrong. We shouldn't be happy when Serena is hurting. "

" What?!  What are you saying?  We are not responsible for Serena's happiness Sky and there's no way am giving up on you! Please don't do this to me.. " Jay said his hand cupping my cheeks.

"Sorry... Am sorry I said that.  Am just not thinking straight right now. "

"Okay..," He said letting out a sigh. "Please don't ever give up on us... I'd loose my mind if I lost you.. Please."

He looked so scared, and seeing him like this made me hate myself.

How could i even say that to him?!

" I won't give up on us really sorry for saying that. "

" It's okay, anyway, I know  what will cheer you up ,"  he said smiling.

" What?"

" Am going to take you on our first date right now,  you know.....just the two of us. Maybe get to know each other better," he said getting excited.

" I've known you all my life Jay. Am sure I know everything about you, " I said shaking my head with a smile.

" Sure... But do you really?  " he said winking at me and walking around the car to the drivers side, after locking my door.

" Jay.. I would really love to go out on our first date, but can we do it later please?  Am kind of tired and i don't think this is the  best time for that."

" Of course, anything for you, " he said with no sign of disappointment on his face.

I really loved how understanding he is. I must have done something right in my almost eighteen years to deserve him.

" What?"  Jay asked bringing me back to reality.

" Huh?"

" Why are you staring at me like that? "

" I wasn't staring."

" Okay...if you say so. Just know if you see anything you like, all you have to do is ask and I'll give it to you, " he said in a low seductive voice, while biting his lower lip.

" Oh my God!  Did it just get hot in here? "

" Umhh..... can we go now, " I said  nervously.

" Sure, " he said letting out a small chuckle, and started the car.

A few minutes on the road I noticed that Jay was kind of tense.

" Are you okay?"

" Yes."

" Then why do you look so uneasy  and why do you keep glancing at the side mirror?"

" Okay...I don't want you to get scared but I think we are been followed, and not by the cop that was hired to watch you. "

" What! " I said as i turned  trying to look. "Do you think it's Jim?"

" I don't know but I've already  alerted the police and they are on  their way."

" What if he catches up with us and they don't catch him?" I asked my heart beating so fast. I was really starting to panic.

" Hey, I wont let him hurt you, and we are still not sure if it's Jim okay, " he said taking my hand and placing it on his lap.

" Okay ," I said sighing deeply trying to pull myself together. "

Suddenly we heard a  loud thud at the back of the car and I glanced over my shoulder to look.  A rush of fear came over me when I realised  that a car had just hit us from behind.

" Holy shit!  We just got hit, " I  told Jay terrified my voice shaky.

"Stay still and hold on to something, " Jay shouted as he increased the speed trying  to get away from the car.

The car that hit us had insane speed! and it caught up with us in no time. The driver started hitting us on the side trying to flip us over and I screamed in shock. Jay was trying his best to keep us from falling over and i could see the fear in his eyes.

Before I could even blink  ,the driver gave us one last hit and managed to knock us of the road but, Jay succefully controlled the car pulling over to the side of the road.

Within seconds,  we heard a police siren in a distance and getting closer. That Scared off the unknown driver,and he drove away.

What the hell just happened!


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