another event?

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I was back at the office five to one, I changed into heels and went to Trisha, who had a small informal meeting with Courtney and I about the advertisement we'd developed and if it would target the right market segment. An extra analysis on the target group.

That took a few hours before I could add the final touches to the advertisement. Courtney was sitting next to me when I did it, and truth be told, I think it ended up looking really good.

At five I turned off the computer. I dropped my ballerinas in my bag and went to see Alexander in my heels. It would probably be for the better to change them into another pair? I had bought a new pair that weekend, and they were better suited for work than these. And now I was wearing them.

I had more than enough excuses.

I rode the elevator to the top floor and stepped out.

A young woman, probably my age, looked up. She could look like Will if I wanted her to. Same skin color, dark eyes and hair, black, but her facial features were different.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Mr. Greene, can I see him?" I asked.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes," I said.

"Name?" the receptionist asked.

"Christina Kierkegaard." Pronounced with an American accent.

She checked something on her computer. "Oh, yes, of course," she said and smiled. "At the end of the hall."

"Thank you," I said and walked to his office.

I knocked.

"Come in," was the response.

I opened the door and stepped into the office.

Alexander looked away from the screen.

He wore a tie which matched his eyes. Otherwise he wore all black.

"Hi," I said and stepped inside. I shut the door behind me.

His eyebrows put his eyes in shadows. "Sit down," he said and gestured to the chairs on the opposite side of the desk. "There is something I'd like to discuss with you."

I sat down before the desk, I put my bag on the empty chair next to me.

He rubbed his face in his hands and looked at me. His eyes were clear blue, and they weren't hidden beneath his brows. "I need your help."

"My help?" I asked surprised.

Alexander looked at me. "Yes," he grunted.

"For what?" I asked. It didn't look like he felt too good about having to ask me, and I didn't know him well enough to being able to tease him about it.

He drummed his fingers on the table top before directing his blue eyes to mine. "What does it take for you to attend an event with me again?"

"For what?" I asked.

He swallowed, I could see his Adam's apple move. "A charity even," he said.

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