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By morning I'd slept what I'd missed Saturday night.

I went to work, agreed to meet Elliott for lunch. Just some sandwich like something.

Trisha had sent the advertisement to Greene who just sent it back with the words 'good, but I want the best'.

So Trisha and I were working on the advertisement again. In her office.

"Better?" I asked when I noticed the words.

He looked at me. "He's dominating, and he requires perfection," she said. "Let's show him we've got those qualities so he'll use us again."

I smiled. "Okay," I said. "Maybe we need a hand?"

"Juan or Courtney?" She asked.


She stood and opened the door. "Court? Juan? My office, now!"

A few minutes passed by and they entered.

"This advertisement has to be better. Ideas?" she asked.

Elliott was waiting at the sandwich bar I'd showed him the first time we'd eaten lunch together.

He held up the bag when I stepped inside.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" I apologized. "We went overtime and I forgot time."

"It's ten minutes," he said. "It's okay."

I accepted the bag with sandwich and water which he handed me. "How much?" I asked.

"It's on me," he said. "It looks like you're busy at the moment."

I shrugged and we headed to Washington Square Park and sat down on a vacant bench.

"It's Greene," I said.

"You call him Alexander," Elliott remarked.

"Yeah, but the company, that Greene," I said. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to differentiate at the moment. "He wants this advertisement for some app-something he's developed. And he doesn't want a good job, he wants the best." I said and unwrapped the sandwich.

"Isn't that fair?" Elliott asked.

"Totally," I said. "But the few times we've gotten something back it's usually a 'we don't like this color', or 'that presentation doesn't match the profile we want to show in the long term'. And it's easier to correct because we know what they don't think is perfect," I said and unscrewed the lid on my water.

"I can see that," Elliott said.

"What were you doing during the weekend?" I asked.

"I was visiting Candace's grandparents, with Candace, obviously," he said. "Nice people, and Sunday we spent on nothing. Yeah, I read for our class, but that was about it."

I smiled. "It sounds nice."

"What did you do?" he asked.

"I was with Alexander, and his two nephews and a niece," I said. "It was pretty chill."

"Are you in a relationship?" Elliott asked.

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