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It was fifteen to ten when I reached his building. Now what?

I hesitated before I went to the guard who'd also been on duty when I went home Wednesday night.

He looked at me, a tad bit interested, but not enough to wake him completely. How long had he been here?

"I'm seeing Alexander Greene?" I said. How the hell did I get into this building?

"And you are?" He asked.

"Christina Kirkegaard," I said. In an American accent.

He checked something on his computer. "He has said you are allowed access, but he hasn't said you'll be here today. I'll just call him so he knows you'll come. If you'll excuse me a moment." He said and pressed a few buttons on his phone.

I looked away when he spoke.

It was a nice day, but I was glad I was wearing a jacket. It had been a little cool Thursday for lunch but we hadn't walked far.

"You can take the elevator," the guard said. "Push the top button, I've coded it so you'll get all the way to the penthouse."

"Thank you," I said and went to the elevators.

I pushed the call button.

A moment later and I was in the elevator. The button for the top floor had already been pressed. It wouldn't hurt to do so twice? I pushed the button, the doors closed, and I was sent up.

With a pling, the doors opened on the top floor.

Alexander was in the foyer. He wore dark jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt in navy blue.

"Hi," I said and exited the elevator. I wasn't sure what today would consist of so I wore jeans and a t-shirt. It wouldn't matter if anything happened to the clothes.

He smiled a crooked smile. "If Marcus says anything to you, don't listen to him."

"Understood," I said.

His smile widened. "I can't promise if he'll say something about us being a couple," he said. "I've told him we're friends but he has to annoy me."

I nodded.

He didn't move.

I smiled. "Where can I put my stuff?" I asked.

"Uhm, this way," he said and led the way through the impersonal dining room and up the stairs for the first floor. "Just, in here," he said and opened the door to the room where I'd changed clothes the last time I'd been here.

"Thank you," I said and put my jacket on the bed. I put my phone in my back pocket and left the room again. I shut the door behind me.

Alexander looked at me. "Do you want to go back downstairs?" he asked.

"Of course," I said and followed him down the stairs and into the living room.

He went to the white living room and sat down on the couch.

"Aren't you worried something will get dirty?" I asked and sat down next to him.

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