The Mall

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During the whole movie and I felt my phone vibrating through my purse. It was so irritating. Arely had gotten up because she wanted to buy more popcorn, so I went with her.
Ashley's perspective
I was in line with Rosie and could tell she was annoyed. "hey are you ok" " ya i'm fine it's just my phone this fame is getting annoying" We both laughed that people were looking at us weird. "You should check to see if your mom has texted you. You know how she's so paranoid." I said jokingly with a smirk. "Ya you're right it's gets so annoying. I just wanna have fun and she acts like i'm going to get murdered." She turned on her phone and i saw her eyes widen and she had a slight smile.
Back to Rosie's Perspective
I saw that Anthony (luvanthony) commented on one of my post. I've had a crush on him for awhile I didn't know what to do but smile.
luvanthony- damn nice shoe game☺️
          ^user1234- avani come get your man
" What is it?!?" I showed my phone to arely and she made a disgusted face. "STOP!!! he's cute leave him alone" we've never had the same taste in guys. "i didn't say anything" "but you're face sure did" we both laughed, and ashley got her popcorn and we went back to finish the movie.
***skip to to after movie***
"that movie was so gooooddd", litzy said with this huge smile across her face. "it wasn't that great litzy but damn jake was FINE", Jada said. We all couldn't stop laughing at her. We all decided to get Chick fil a. Natalie, Ashley, and I were sitting down at a small rectangular table while Jada and Litzy we're ordering. "So guess who commented on one of my tiktoks. I'll give you a hint his username starts with luv and ends with anthony!!!!" I told Natalie because she also thought he was cute. " No fucking way are you kidding?!?!" I showed her my phone with the comment and she made the we irritating pose and said "oooo avani gonna come for you can't relate" I told her to shut up but then started thinking was he just being nice why would he comment then he does have a girlfriend that i'm pretty sure he's happy with.
Then I get a call ***ring ring ring***

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