Baecation Day 3

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Ant- Happy Birthday beautiful
I yawn and smile.
U- I'm finally 19
Ant- Yea so how do you want to start your day
U- Food please i'm starving.
Ant- Yea I think the boys were making food for you.
U- That's so sweet.
I get up, and walk out of my room holding Anthonys hand. We walk into the kitchen and...
J- We've made you blueberry pancakes.
K- And the boys and I got you a gift...
Griffin hands me a blue velvet box. I open it, and inside was a diamond necklace. I immediately kiss all of them on the cheek, and they start blushing.
J- We wanted to give something special because these past several you've been special to us. And we're really going to miss you when you leave back home. Hopefully you decide to stay with us for good.
I start crying and the boys all hug me.
U- You don't know how much this means to me I love you guys.
A- Well the girls and I also got you a gift.
Charli points to a box on the couch. I open it and it a Louis Vuitton purse.
U- This is beautiful.
D- We've only known you for a couple of weeks, but your already like a sister to us.
I hug the girls and the boys join and we hug for a few minutes.
M- Ok can we eat breakfast now.
U- yes please
We ate the pancakes, and they were delicious.
U- Wow you guys did great.
B- It was mostly me by the way.
J- Dude ship up you were flirting with Addison the whole time.
Addison and Bryce look at eachother, and start blushing.
C- I don't know bout you but I'm ready to hit the beach.
Ant- Today for Rosie birthday we planned on...
ALL THE BOYS- swimming with dolphins!!
U- Now way that's so cool.
A- Well we better get ready.

Madis bikini

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Madis bikini

Madis bikini

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