Oh no!

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As- Where's everybody at?
U- They're all in the living room we were just gonna go to the movies.
As- Well I came at the perfect time didn't I.
She winks at Jaden, and walks to the living room. He just stares as she walks by smiling.
U- Earth to Jaden. Are you in there?
Ja- Well isn't she pretty.
U- Shut up that's what she wants you to think.
I roll my eyes, and he hugs me.
Ja- Oh is someone jealous.
U- What...um...no why would I be?
He laughs and we walk to the living room. I follow him.
U- Guys this is Arely.
Jo- Hey I'm Josh.
B- I'm Bryce.
K- Hi nice to meet you I'm Kio.
Ant- I'm Anthony.
As- Oh so your the famous Anthony, Rosie's new boyfriend.
He blushes, and just looks at me smiling.
As- Wait til Nathan sees him.
Ant- Who's Nathan?
U- Nathan is my ex I don't want to talk about it.
As- Yup the most popular kid at our school, quarterback, artist, and straight A student.
I see her raise an eyebrow like she's waiting excitingly for Anthonys reaction.
K- Well doesn't he sound perfect.
N- Maybe but inside he's just a cheating scumbag.
U- I said I don't want to talk about it! Can we just go to the movies please.
They get up, and we decide to take my car. As we're driving I could see Arely flirting with Jaden the whole ride. We get to the movie theater, and as we sit in the theater I sit between Natalie and Anthony. I notice that Jaden sits next to Arely.
Ant- Hey are you alright?
U- Yea I'm fine.
He holds my man, and we enjoy the movie. Jaden gets up to get more popcorn, Natalie, and I join him.
Ja- Hey Rose can I ask you something?
U- Yea what?
Ja- I really like Arely do you think I should ask her out?
U- What! Jaden definitely not.
N- Yea I have to agree.
Ja- Why not? I think she's pretty cool.
U- Jaden Arelys a player if you haven't noticed. She just uses guys for sex, then dumps them.
N- Yea she hasn't been in a relationship longer than a week. Like look at her flirting with you when she already has a whole ass boyfriend.
U- You see. Jaden I care about you, and I don't want to see you get hurt. You can ask her out if you want, but just be careful.
Ja- Yea ok.
***skip back to my house***
We decide that the boys could sleep at my house, and they could share my guest room while Anthony could sleep with me. I sit on the couch eating ice cream, and the boys come up to me.
K- Hey we wanted to talk.
U- About what?
B- Ever since Ashley brought up your ex you've been kinda distant.
Ant- Yea you know you could talk to us about this stuff.
Ja- Were here if you want to talk about it.
They sit around me, and I feel the pit in my stomach again.
U- I gave him all the love I could give. I felt that I didn't deserve him. At first it was great, but after two months it kind of went down hill. He started cheating on me with like every girl he saw. He would always tell me he would never do it again. I was actually stupid enough to believe him. Whenever I tried breaking up with him he would tell me I was a piece of shit, I could never find someone better than him, and I was lucky enough he wanted to be with me.
I started crying and they all hugged me. I hugged Anthony so tightly I never wanted to let go.
U- Your the first people I actually talked about it with.
Jo- That's what were here for.
B- You can talk to us about anything ok.
U- Yea I think I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight.
I walk to my room, and sit on my bed. Anthony sits next to me and puts my face between his hands.
Ant- Rosie your perfect ok. You didn't deserve what that ass made you go through. I love you.
U- Anthony I always loved you because I knew you wouldn't do anything to hurt anybody. You mean so much to me.
I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and I hug him. We lay down and I go to sleep cuddled up with him.

My life w/ sway la boysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें