Best Day Ever

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Ruby p.o.v
I stood in front of the table my team and Jaune's team sat at and looked at each of them. Yang was catching grapes that came from Nora with her mouth. Blake was reading some kind of book but closed it as soon as Yang asked her about it. And y/n was in the bathroom doing his business, I guess he'll just have to miss my speech that will start our team's best day ever. And so I clear my throat and slam Weiss' binder onto the table and began the speech.

Ruby:There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable students. To turn their last day of the semester into the best day ever. So they could all start their semester off with a bang.

Weiss:did you steal my binder.

Ruby:I am no crook Weiss.

Yang:nice reference Ruby but I only start off my semesters with a Yang. Ehh!!? Am I right guys?

I sigh and Yang's horrible pun and Nora throws an apple at her and boos at Yang.

Ruby:look guys classes are staring back up tomorrow which is why I planned all these fun events for us.

Yang found the apple Nora threw at her and threw it back which hit Nora.

Weiss:I don't know if I should be proud or scared at what you have in store.

Blake:I don't know I might think I'll sit this one out.

Weiss:sit out or not I think we should spend our last day as a team. Now where is y/n?

Weiss then stood up and was about to speak but Nora accidentally threw a pie at her face. Weiss remained silent and still until the pie slid off her face and onto the table. She looked at Nora angrily who pointed at Ren who had his face in his hand while Jaune and Pyrrha both looked shocked at what Nora did. Weiss then suddenly yelled

Weiss:I declare war on you Team JNPR!

And as she yelled that she threw food at them and Jaune's team begins to run away hoping to dodge the food. And Jaune was the first to grab food and throw it back at us almost hitting me. After seeing this happen I tell my team to find cover and I flip our table over to use as a shield against their food.

Y/n p.o.v
After finally leaving the bathroom I begin to make my way back to the lunchroom and as I open the door. I see the lunch tables everywhere some stacked on each other and some flipped in different ways. I make my way through the tables and see Team JNPR surrounding Ruby and her team. I hear Jaune tell them to surrender but Ruby doesn't surrender and continued to look back at them while also looking for a way out. I decide to help them and look around for something to use and I see a big stack of tables. I then run to the stack and push it down toward them causing Team JNPR to run away and giving Team RWBY a chance to escape. Ruby and her team hid behind a table while Team JNPR stood on top of a stack of tables while holding a bunch of sodas. I sneakily walk to Team RWBY and once they notice me Ruby smiles and says.

Ruby:I knew you'd return y/n.

Y/n:what happened here.

Weiss:they started it by throwing a pie at my face.

Y/n:nice way of starting a war guys.

I look over the table we were hiding behind and see that Jaune now had a megaphone. And he used it to say.

Jaune:it's over Team RWBY I have the high ground.

Ruby:you underestimate our power.

She then looked at all of us and said.

Ruby:ok guys we need a plan.

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