Choice and a fire's dwindling

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Y/n p.o.v
It had been 2 hours since Yang broke Mercury's leg. And I was sitting on a bench thinking about what happened to Mercury. I had visited Mercury earlier with Emerald and Quiet and after awhile I left while Emerald and Quiet stayed a little longer. I stared into the sky as the sun was slowly setting and got up and began to walk to my dorm. But I stopped walking as I saw Penny staring at a bird flying away and once the bird had flown far away Penny looked down at the ground sadly.

Y/n:are you okay Penny?

Penny jumped as I scared and turned to me.

Penny:oh it's just you y/n. And what did you ask me earlier?

Y/n:I asked if you were okay.

Penny's eyes looked at the ground again and said.

Penny:yeah I'm okay.

Y/n:Penny why are you lying?

Penny:how do you know I'm lying?

Y/n:well your nose gets bigger when you lie.

Penny:wait what!

Penny quickly places a hand on her nose and I laugh.

Y/n:I'm just kidding with you Penny.


Y/n:I did it so you could you know lighten up a little: now come on tell me what's wrong. What's in that cybernetic brain of yours.

Penny:do you promise not to tel anyone.

Y/n:I mean I kept your secret about being a robot so sure.

Penny:okay. I've been thinking about what you said to General Ironwood last time.

Y/n:oh. So why are my words bothering you?

Penny:well when General Ironwood didn't respond to what you said I got scared because I don't want to be made only for war.

Y/n:Penny when you look at yourself who do you see?

Penny:what do you mean?

Y/n:what I mean is who are you? A Robot made only for war or a human who wants to make friends and live a normal life.

Penny:both I guess.

Y/n:you can't be two people at the same time Penny. That's why you have to choose one identity to be.

Penny:but I can't choose.

Y/n:why can't you choose?

Penny:because I want to go the right way. If I choose to be a robot made only for war then I'll be what my creators wanted me to be. And I owe them a lot y/n I mean they spent so much time building me and one of them sacrificed some of their aura just so I could live. And splitting your aura can be very dangerous it can shorten your lifetime. But then again I want to be a normal girl and have friends and live my life.

I place a hand on Penny's shoulder and she looks up at me.

Y/n:Penny they gave you life but since they gave it to you it's your life now. Only you can decide what to do with your life.

Penny then smiled at me and hugged me using her amazing strength.

Y/n:ah Penny your crushing my lungs.

Penny quickly breaks the hug and apologizes.

Penny:thanks y/n for having this talk with me. I'll tell General Ironwood what I want to be after the Vytal tournament.

Y/n:well it's like what Bon Jovi said "it's my life, it's now or never."

Penny:who's Bon Jovi?

Y/n:really Penny you literally have a computer in your head and you don't know who he is.

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