Chapter 3

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I finished packing up my stuff. I don't have much so it's all it 2 duffel bags and and small box that has my cds and a small radio. It was almost time to work my shift so I went downstairs a little early. I figured I should talk to Granny. I walk into the diner and see Granny at the far end of the of the dinning area. Ruby is wiping down the counter so I go see her. "Hey Rubes hows Granny?"  "She seems ok. I haven't said anything to her. Emma don't say anything please. Just go back to school and tell them some stupid excuse".  "Ruby what's done is done. I'm just tired of all this trying to be something I'm not. I've already packed my stuff. I need to talk to Granny that's why I came down early".  "What is it Emma? I heard you just say you wanted to talk to me". Shit I didn't see her walk up. "Ah yeah. Hey Granny. Do you have a minute to talk?"  "Emma. Don't do this". Ruby says and looks at me with pleading eyes. "Yes Emma. You want to go to my office?"  I nod. We go in and sit down. "Ok what's going on Emma?"  "Well I'm sorry to have to tell you but I'll probably be leaving town soon".   "What about school, are you transferring somewhere?"  I shake my head no. "No. I walked out of school today and quit".  "Emma what happened to make you do that?"   "Granny it's a combination of a lot of things. I was having trouble with a teacher and then I had a little to much to drink last night".  "Oh yes last night. First of all I want to thank you for saving my granddaughter. As of now there will always be more people working the closing shift just in case. Secondly what do you mean when you say your leaving town and that you quit school. Can you tell me what happened?"   "Well basically I was just sick of hearing people putting me down and I asked my teacher to repeat something that she wanted from us for the next day. I tried to write it all down but she spoke to fast and I missed the last one. She wouldn't tell me what I missed and I'm not friends with anyone in my class so no one told me what it was. I was hungover this morning and I swear she singled me out and I had enough. I basically told her to fuck off and walked out. That same teacher, she came here to my room and asked me to not drop out, but Granny I'm so tried of all this shit". I can't believe I let the tears fall from my eyes. She gets up and moves a chair close to mine. She puts her arms around me and rubs my back. "Emma why are you crying?"   "Granny so many things are going to change for me now. I have to find a new place to live. I have to find a new job and see if I can find out how to finish high school while not being in school. I'm just so all alone Granny and it sucks".  "Emma dear you are not alone. You are just as much my granddaughter as Ruby is".  "You told me I could only live here as long as I stayed in school. I don't know where I'm going to go".  "Emma just stop. I love you. I'm not going to kick you out but I want you to finish your education. Maybe you can do that out of school since it's your last year. Talk to a counselor or a teacher you trust".  "That teacher that  came to see me this afternoon, she apologized to me and left me her card. She said I could call or text her anytime".   "So what are you thinking?"  "I guess maybe I could text her. Maybe she knows how I can finish going to school. I'm sorry I disappointed you Granny. I already packed my things, so if you want, I'll leave after my shift tonight". The tears just pour out of my eyes and Granny wipes them away. "Emma please calm down. I already told you I'm not kicking you out. I do love you Emma, this will always be your home. Please don't leave like this. You have so many emotions running around inside of you right now that need to be worked out. Tomorrow after you get a good nights rest I'll be with as you call that teacher if you want. You are not alone Emma, not anymore. Me and Ruby are your family".  I leap up and hug her. "Granny I'm so sorry. Please forgive me". I say as I cry on her shoulder. "It's been a slow night so far, so why don't you take some time to rest and sleep. We can work this out tomorrow. Ok my sweet girl?"  I nod. "Thank you Granny. I love you so much". She kisses me on the forehead and tells me to go take a hot shower and go to sleep. So I do just that. I don't think I've ever slept so good. I woke up feeling better and refreshed.

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