Important Authors note

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Hi everyone I'm just letting you know why I haven't updated. So everything has been chaotic since the beginning of this month. My younger sibling found out she was positive for the virus when she went to hospital to give birth to her daughter. So the fever hit once she gave birth and she she was in the hospital for a week. Than my family and I had to get tested because someone had to take care of the newborn and it turns out she gave it to everyone who lives in the house. Including me, I've been sick for a week and half and was in quarantine for 14 days which is finally over. I'm finally feeling better so hopefully I can get back to writing. I would like to thank everyone who voted, followed, and commented on this story.
And to remind people to stay safe, and to also remind people if your hermit and don't leave the house just people weary of the people who live in your house and leaves to go to work because that's how I caught the virus.
Even if you don't have symptoms doesn't mean you don't have the virus because my sister didn't have any symptoms and nobody knew until she went into labor so she could have had this virus for months and we didn't know. Just get tested just incase, because you never know.

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