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IT WAS PITCH BLACK when the group decided to head out

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IT WAS PITCH BLACK when the group decided to head out. The sun had set, casting a black shadow upon the Virginian land. Murphy was in the back of Aaron's small sedan with him and Michonne, while Glenn and Rick were in the front. They were heading to Alexandria, what could be their new home - if they were lucky. The head and tail lights were the only thing that cut through the veil of darkness, creating an eerie tone for the group that drove. Murphy's knee bounced nervously as her eyes flicked from Aaron to Rick in the seat in front of her.

Rick reached forward in his spot in the passenger seat to open the glove compartment. The small light inside flickered on, revealing a mess of wadded up paper and a stack of what looked to be license plates. Murphy furrowed her brows in confusion, sending Aaron a look as Rick turned around and did the same.

"Uh, I'm trying to collect all fifty states," Aaron voiced from between Murphy and Michonne. "Put them all on a wall in my house."

"You have your own house?" Michonne asked incredulously.

"Mhm," Aaron responded. He gestured to his bag that sat in her lap with his bound hands. "See for yourself."

Michonne carefully opened the smallest pocket of his pack, pulling out the blurry pictures he had asked Rick to observe. Murphy shifted in her seat, trying to get a better look at the photos she flipped through. The glossy pictures showed solar panels, walls, homes... things that Murphy had not seen for what felt like ages. Her eyes softened as they traced the grainy captures. Could this be real? It seemed too good to be true. Aaron gave the two women a smile as they looked wondrously at his community.

Suddenly, Murphy noticed one fatal flaw in the stack of photos. One that felt like a punch to the gut. Her heart quickened as she stared deep into Aaron's eyes, "Why don't you have any pictures of your people?"

Aaron was silent for a moment, but eventually responded, "Oh, well I took a photo of the whole group, but I didn't get the exposure right."

Murphy's eyes locked with Michonne's. They were both thinking the same thing. Michonne turned to Rick in a slight panic, "Did you ask him the questions?"

He hesitated, "... No."

"How many walkers have you killed?" Michonne asked him, her voice unwavering and steady.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"How many?"

Murphy watched their exchange very carefully, studying every aspect of Aaron's responses. The air was stagnant and the tension was palpable between the members of the car. Glenn looked at them through the car's mirror.

𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧, daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now