/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 2

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/SP; Kaizo's Mission;; Pt. 2

After a week of having Kaizo serve as her bodyguard, Hannah had continued her study on the power spheres, keeping some distracted thoughts out of her head, but she sighed, slamming her hand onto her desk as she held her forehead. 'What's wrong with me? I've never had trouble focusing on my work before... well only when I dated did it ever have a problem.' She thought, making her shut her book, eyes widened as she saw her notebook scribbled off, gently cupping her mouth as she read.

'Apparently an Admiral from an intergalactic government named TAPOPS.' 'Scary when mad.' 'Mumbled Pang, his brother, while asleep.' 'He's 53?! And it's not a lie!' 'He's 6ft...'

Hannah's finger trailed on the note with Kaizo's age, 'He's... 8 years older than me...' Her head rested on her hand atop the desk, pouting as she voiced, "He won't mind a big age gap... won't he?" Her ears heard some creaks outside, snapping her out of her daze and looked at the time, just a little over midnight. Kaizo informed her that he has to go somewhere and will be home the next morning. She bit her bottom lip, tiptoeing to the other side of the room, hiding behind her door as she grabbed onto the nearby vase, prepared to throw it onto whoever. The door opened to reveal an unfamiliar man, she smashed the vase over his head as he groaned, stumbling off as she rushed out the room, yelling was heard behind her.

The lights in the living room alerted her as she moved pass, hearing gunshots behind her as she hurriedly closed the door to one of the spare rooms, pushing a dresser before the door. As she fetched her phone, dialing Kaizo's number, she hissed as her calls were directed to voice mail, looking around the room. Grabbing a nearby broom, she rushed into the closet as the door was slowly getting opened.

Hannah became silent as her tears brimmed her eyes, seeing through the crack of the closet that one of the men came inside the room, pointing his gun around the room, looking around as he soon looked at the closet, smirking as he saw some trinkles of blood from her feet getting gashed by the sharp glass, moving towards it, prepared to open it but heard gunshots from outside, cursing as he moved out. He was shocked to be greeted by a punch, moving back as he felt his nose bleeding, letting go of his gun, looking up to see ruby red eyes. Kaizo kicked the gun away as he gritted his teeth with a smug grin, "Having fun hurting my woman?" he questioned while grabbing his collar, the man got repeatedly punched until Kaizo was sure he was unconscious, letting his collar go.

Kaizo fixed his coat, looking around as he moved to the trinkled trail of blood. He moved to open it as he saw Hannah flail her broomstick, he gently took it and keeping it still, "It's me, Hannah!" He called as she gasped, making her look up, her teary eyes meeting his concerned ones. She let go of the broom, slightly dizzy as her eyes trailed behind him, seeing the guy was currently decommissioned. She was about to step out when he moved to lift her bridal-style, alarming her as she held onto him, both moving out to the living room, Hannah shocked to see the man she hit with the vase laid unconscious with blood pooling on his side, "Don't look at them, focus on me," Kaizo's words made her look towards him, seeing his calm expression, his gaze flickered tk her for a moment, "Good." He adds as they were outside, letting her sit by the ledge on the gate.

"I used a payphone to call some authorities, they broke it while I was... engaged." Kaizo voiced, making her look up to him, realizing he wasn't screening her calls. She nods as he saw her wipe some of tears with the back of her hand, realizing she was in her pajama shirt and shorts. He quickly took off his coat, hanging it over her figure, making her watch his figure, knelt down as he looked at her with gentle eyes. "I'm sorry. I nearly didn't make it... please don't get mad." He spoke in an unusually soft tone, making her flustered, sniffling as she nodded.

His next move made her eyes widened, Kaizo had moved to hug her, letting her rest her head on his chest, hearing his heart thump. "Let's wait for some of Lucas' men."

In a months time, Hannah had managed to gain Kaizo's utmost attention and it was obvious to anyone that there was something between them, but he never clearly spoke of it between the gently touches and caring gazes. Her life was often on the brink of life and death as she kept her key a secret to most. She sat inside her new office in her shared home, studying on power spheres after Kaizo provided some books to her, the male being predominantly busy with tracking down the men after her.

Hannah looked to the flower on her desk, huffing a breath as she recalled the conversation after Kaizo gave her the small bouquet. Lucas approached her as he had left on a magical portal from one of the power spheres, watching her trailed gaze. "You'd be lying if you didn't admit you were interested in each other." Lucas spoke with a calm demeanor, making her flustered, looking towards him as she attempted to chase after him in denial.

She clicked her tongue, moving to grab one of the notebooks, flipping to her notes about what she learned about Kaizo as he wasn't one to share many things, reading through some of the words like a mantra.

"I'd say that's stalking if I didn't know you, Hannah."

A voice made her jolt, throwing her notebook to the front, looking to the side to see Kaizo's figure leaned over her smaller stature. "H-Hey! What are you doing here anyway?! Didn't you have some space duties to attend to?" She rambled, quickly shutting the notebook and tucking it beneath her book as he shrugged, "I was just wondering what had gotten you to get so quiet–apparently me." He stated as she watched him move to her side and lean back on the desk, wearing his usual confident smirk. Her cheeks flared red, pouting as she attempted to give him an annoyed glare, "Shut up." "Shouldn't you be more respectful to someone older than you? Ah, I recall most people ignoring age to indicate romance or something." Kaizo stated as she was wide eyed, thinking, 'N-No way...'

Kaizo looked to her, giving a small smile, "It was easy to see the obvious, Doctor. Since you are trying so hard, I might as well acknowledge my feelings for you." He says, making her squeak when he swiftly moved to trap her in her chair, alarmed when he pressed a soft kiss on her lips. "U-uh..." "If you don't mind dating a 'moody old man' like me... I guess I can be honest and say I like you, Hannah." He teased as she pouted, gently hitting his arm, "Unfair, I wanted to confess first!" She whined, making him stifle a laugh as she latched her arms around him, "I guess I have no choice but to say I like you too." She jokingly said, smiling as they decidingly went out for the day, figuring out more of what they are.

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