Chapter Eleven: Singing For A Waitress

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A simple gesture is like a secret.

Two or more people will know what it means, while the others will either be confused or worried about what they're saying.

And unfortunately, I'm not a part of the gesture.

What did Sayori do with Adrien?

Should I be worried about this?

At all?


Maybe not.

Maybe I'm overthinking this, again, but I'm still worried. Sayori looked content, so I trust her that she would be happy about a good thing, but I never know.

Adrien could be manipulating her.

The wink he gave her could've been a cold warning. She could be scare to go back to the cafe right now.

How do I know if they did something.. More?

I can't handle this. If I can't ask Sayori, then I'll ask the only person I know right now.

I glance at the desk next to me, noticing Oliver bending over to put some books in his bag.

The last class before lunch ended, which meant during lunch, we would be finally opened for the first time.

I would be nervous, singing in front of people, (If anyone even does come,) but I'm more worried about something else.

"Hey.. Oliver?"

He looks up from his bag, his eyes curious as they land on me. I stand in front of his desk, the one strap bag around my shoulder as the students in the classroom begin to leave for lunch.


"How long have you known Adrien for?" I ask, slightly hesitantly.

Oliver blinks, obviously surprised about my question. Though he stands up and flings his bag over his shoulder. "Ever since middle school, why?"

"Ah.. I was just.." How do I ask this? "Do you think that Adrien might be interested in Sayori?"

Once again, the look of confusion washes over is face as he stands up and we both make o ur way out of the classroom.

His expression suddenly breaks, a unnatural gaze, his blue eyes becoming icy. "Probably."


"You really think so?" I ask again.

Oliver then smiled; his moods are confusing me. "I mean, I would know. He's been acting a lot happier around her."


We stay quiet as we continue to walk down the hallway.

"Do you think.." I take a small inhale, calming the nerves that were starting to provoke me. "Do you think that Sayori likes him too?"

Oliver chuckles. "Yeah. I think so."





This hurts..

It shouldn't hurt to hear him say that.

Then why does it?

I nod quietly. "O-Oh, yeah, ahaha.."

"Yeah, so I don't think you'd ever get a chance with him."


Oliver glances back at me, meeting eye contact. "That is why you asked, right? To know if Adrien was open or not?"

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