Chapter Twenty-One: Impatience

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"Okay," Oliver takes a seat next to me after dropping a few more history books on the table. "I think these will help us."

"Thanks Oliver." We were in the library, working on our history project again. The class was dismissed early, but everyone went to the library to work on it.

The war between the witches and humans was actually interesting. It seems like the mages only joined the war after their territory was getting used as battling grounds, which makes sense.

Apparently, witches used a lot of military equipment and weapons like humans, but only theirs were more.. Magical, I guess you could say.

For instance, they had smoke bombs, but they could be spawned anywhere, and could also project poisonous gases in the air that only the human scent could-

"What are you doing?"

I nearly jump out of my seat, startled.

What? What are you doing?

"Talking to you? What else?"

You can't, I'm doing school work.

"School work?"

Yes. For school. I thought you could look into my memories?

I hear ES sigh. "I can, but I'm just confused. You've already been to different classes. And isn't this the class before.. Lunch?"

Yes, but what's your point?

"Well, then what are you doing here? Don't you have lunch break?"

I stop writing notes and lay my pencil on my notebook. We don't have lunch break until after this class.

"...I'm confused. You already did a bunch of other classes."

That's because each class teaches something different, and we need to be taught everything so we can graduate.

"That sounds like a pain."

Yeah.. It's not exactly easy.


I notice Oliver quizzically glancing at my notebook before back up at me. I pick up my pencil and sigh, nodding. "Yeah, sorry. I just got distracted."

"That's fine. Can you take notes on the 1598 raid section? I was gonna do the mythical creatures as slaves thing."

"Yeah, sure."

"Great, thanks."

After flipping a few pages to get to the wanted section, I begin to read out of the textbook, writing down anything I find important.

"Why are you writing something down that's already been written down in a different book?"

Can you leave me alone for a second? Please?

"What? Am I not aloud to ask questions?"

...Okay. Fine. We take notes on things in the textbook so it's easier and faster to read, and because we can't own or take the textbooks for ourselves.

"Oh. Why are you taking notes, anyways?"

Look, I'm trying to work here, and you're kind of distracting me. Could you ask questions another time?

"Well, how am I supposed to help you if I don't even know what you're doing?"

You don't need to know. School work doesn't relate to Guardian stuff.

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