Chapter Twenty-Two: RedStripe

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"Sayori.. Are you sure you know where you're going?" I ask hesitantly.

Marching in front of us, Sayori nods. "I know where I'm going!"

It's been a few minutes of Sayori walking through the forest, leading us past trees and bushes. I notice Natsuki ducking her head as the trees begin to get taller and bigger, blocking out more of the evening sunlight.

I don't recognize this place, but every tree looks the same anyways, so it doesn't really matter. Unless Sayori really doesn't know where Honey's cave is.

I glance around us warily before matching Sayori's pace. "Sayori, do you really know where you're going?"

Sayori glances towards me, "Uhh.." She stops and turns around, facing Natsuki and Yuri. She looks around herself before pressing her fingers together, a nervous habit she does.

"Would you be mad if I said no..?"

"Yes!" Natsuki growled.

"Then.. I totally know where we are right now."

Natsuki groaned angrily. "Sayori!"

"I'm sorry!" The girl wailed. "I just wanted to help!"

I instinctively place a hand on Sayori's shoulder to comfort her. "It's fine Sayori. We haven't been in this forest for long anyways, I'm sure we're not that far away from where we started."

"Do you remember which way we went last?" Natsuki questions, crossing her arms.


"What I thought."

"Guys, please don't fight, it's my fault!" Sayori exclaims. "I can try and lead us back.. If I can remember where I led us.."

"Ugh, great! We're lost! In the forest!"

"Natsuki, calm down." Yuri says quietly. "The forest is filled with animals."

"So? How's that going to help us?"

"And one of us here can communicate with them.." Their eyes land on me, and I nod.

"Okay.. But where is one?" I ask, looking around.

As in response, a nearby berry bush rustles. The four of us lock eyes on it, and notice a small and white rabbit jumping out, quickly scurrying away from us.

Well, there's one.

"Hey, wait!" I call out, but the rabbit doesn't stop. We might be stuck in this forest if I can't catch up to it. As fast as it's going, I'll have to chase it now if I want to be able to follow it.

I start running in the direction the rabbit ran in, trying to keep eyes on it.

"Monika hey! Wait!"

"Wait, please!" The rabbit's going too fast. "I'm not going to hurt you!"

Yelling and running at the same time doesn't work well with keeping up a good pace. As I jump over a large tree root, I notice the rabbit running towards a hole in the ground.

A rabbits hole?

"Wait-" I'm too late as the little bunny jumps into the small hole. Great, way to ask for directions.

"Yeah, did you seriously think chasing it would make the rabbit turn around and have a friendly talk with you?"

Well how else was I supposed to ask it without losing it?

As I catch my breath, I look around. The trees are darker and bigger, there are a few bushes that carry bright red berries I've never seen before. And the sky is still getting darker.

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