Chapter 34

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HI I AM SO SORRY I LOVE YOU ALL AND I JUST I'M SORRY I HAVE SCHOOL AND STUFF AND I KNOW THAT'S NOT A GOOD EXCUSE BUT I'M SORRY OKAY I LOVE YOU GUYS ;-; Anyway so I've been in Pakistan since the 14th and this update was supposed to be for BEFORE I came here but.. yeahh...

Please read the author's note at the end!! :)


On with the show!

Chapter 34

Aurelie's POV

It didn't stay that way; happy and joyful- it couldn't... and why would it? Wynter had left early after giving some excuse about helping Uncle Jinxx around the house while Aunt Sammi was gone - she was at Venice for work and hadn't really felt like going. Especially since she had told Scream she would take her one day. But sooner or later we all would have to try and live normally. so Jinxx told her to go.

I wasn't sure about any of it - and how right I was.

When I got home that night, the first thing I noticed was Jordan, crying on the couch, mumbling, "She's dead." It happened again. The one thing that scared me the most since Scream's death: Jordan panicking and losing it. I cursed mentally and sighed, wondering where the hell Dad was; how was I supposed to handle this alone? I was too scared to say anything that would make it worse for her!

Carefully I walked towards Jordan, slightly worried, and bent down to slowly say, "It's okay, Jordan, everything will be alright," and hug her, which was the only thing I could really do as she refused to look up. I tried my best to calm her down, and we stayed like that until her sobs slowed into hiccups. "Come on," I said lightly, as if talking to a child - which she really looked like. Helping her up, I moved her to the couch and put in a movie she would watch.

Try to keep her calm if it happens, my dad had said, and don't bring up Scream unless she does on her own. Let her talk. Just keep her calm.

I hugged her one more time while she stared in her trance-like position before getting up to call my dad. Who didn't pick up the first time.

Or the second...

Or the thi-

"Hey!" I heard my dad say.

"Dad! Thank god, I-"

"I'm obviously not here so just... leave a message an- ASH PUT ME DOWN- ANDY-" and the beep. I sighed and ended the call, no point leaving a message. I just texted him to hurry home, and then commenced with wondering why voicemail was so annoying. I dumped my phone on the kitchen table and made Jordan and myself some hot chocolate; why did this happen to us? Of all people- why Jordan, especially? Hell, Scream deserved to be alive.

I looked up for a minute and then at Scream's favorite spot on our table- this was torture. I thought about all our days together and the fun we all had whenever possible. Spare moments where she'd keep everyone calm or get people excited for no reason.

She really should never have died...

I closed my eyes and tried to rid myself of the thoughts that poured into my head- that didn't work. At all. As usual.

"Uuugghhhh-" I banged my head against the kitchen cabinet a few times, "Whyyyy?" Aurelie. Focus. Jordan's outside.

I didn't know what to do.

I wasn't sure how to handle anything.

I never dealt with Jordan alone, and hopefully, this time, she wouldn't get as bad as usual... Screaming, punching things... Quietly, I made her the usual 'things-that-calm-Jordan-down' as in hot chocolate, popcorn, regular chocolate, and carried everything back to the living room.

By the time dad made it back home,, Jordan was asleep and I was close to it, but instead of actually sleeping, I went downstairs as I heard the door close.

"Where were you?" I asked, yawning. Try to look serious, idiot... Oh jeez, I'm talking to myself. I'm sleepy.

"No where, really, just work." Dad said, in his worst lying voice. Yeah so he didn't know how to actually lie, and that made it easier for me.

"Dad, really."

"It's nothing, Aurelie, just go back to bed." he replied before going upstairs, probably to sleep. Something was up.. but what, exactly? What was so bad that he had to hide it from me? Especially now.

Dad's phone started to ring. I guess he forgot it to take it upstairs. It went straight to voicemail before I could pick up, and Uncle Andy's voice filled the silent, empty hallway, "Ceece?" He sounded really worried, "It's Andy. Listen, Jinxx said that Wynter's just getting worse. You need to get here tomorrow as soon as you can."

The call ended like that... and I was shocked...


Oh god no, not after everything.

Wynter, please... not after Scream...

The next chapter will be a nothing to do with this story one-shot! New year related xD THIS IS THE LAST UPDATE OF THE YEAR!! I shall continue tomorrow xD

If you didn't know, I'm in Pakistan, and have been here for 3 weeks. I'm leaving on the 2nd and going back home.. then I need to catch up on the schoolwork I missed for the first week I was here, because school was still going on then..

I love you guys and I hope you have an amazing year!!<3

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