War Hero Pt.2- Prinxiety

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When Thomas's' parents returned from LA a year ago, they were even busier than before. More than often, Virgil would appear at Roman's' door, because the two had to make a sudden, overnight business trip out of town and they didn't want Thomas to be alone in the house. Usually, when that happened, Virgil would end up staying the night over after the three tried to binge-watch every Disney movie.

This was one of those days. Thomas was messing around with crayons, doodling a picture of a Prince Roman protecting a Princess Virgil while Sir Thomas valiantly battled the Dragon Witch and her minions. There was a shy knock on the door and Roman bounced away from the couch with sudden excitement. He rushed to the door with a wide grin. "Hey, Virge!"

"Hi, princey. Everything good?" Virgil smiled back, entering the house. Both knew that Virgil had already parked his motorbike down the small alley next to Roman's' home.

"Yep, everything's great. I got a promotion in my job and I've met this super nerdy dude called Logan."

"Damn," Snickered Virgil. "Sounds exactly like Patton's' new boyfriend, judging by his explanations."

Roman snorted, shutting the door as Virgil walked up to Thomas, dumping a heavy backpack on the ground by the couch. "Hey, Sir Thomas. Killed any monsters recently?"

"Look!" Thomas grinned, showing Virgil the picture.

Virgil scanned it over and then pouted. "Why am I always the princess?"

"Because I'm the Prince and I can pick you up like this!" Roman said, suddenly sweeping Virgil off his feet into his arms. Virgil squeaked, throwing his arms around Roman's' neck in surprise. Thomas laughed, clapping with amusement.

"Princey, put me down!" Lectured Virgil, blushing

Roman laughed. "You can't make me!"

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Let's test that theory, shall we?"

"Huh?" Asked Roman. The emo teen moved his face to Roman's' ear, whispering something quietly that Thomas couldn't hear. Roman's' face instantly went bright red and he stuttered something incoherent. Virgil tilted his head, hiding his mouth against Roman's' neck. The mans' face glowed even brighter and he quickly sat Virgil on the ground. "Okay, okay! You win!" He blushed.

"Knew it," Teased Virgil with a flirty grin.

Thomas blinked slightly. "Roman, you have a bruise on your neck..."

"Y-Yeah, Thomas, I know." Roman glared at Virgil who poked his tongue out in return. "I'll go get dinner ready." He said, straightening up and walking into the kitchen.

The child turned to face Virgil. "What happened?"

Virgil smirked fondly after Roman. "I kissed him."

Thomas couldn't contain the high pitched squeal.


If you said dinner was awkward that night, you'd be wrong. It was hilarious. Thomas was constantly giggling because of the antics of the two men who sat opposite him. It was back and forth flirting between them, both forgetting Thomas was there until the other slapped their arm before they said something Thomas wasn't allowed to know about until he was 'older'. Why wasn't he allowed to know? He turned seven last week!

He ate the pizza that Roman had ordered after finding he couldn't be bothered to cook, sticking a finger in his mouth while observing the two across the island from him. Roman had leaned close to Virgil, the teenager looking surprised. The older man, having recently turned twenty-three, leaned closer into the twenty-year-old before snatching up a slice of pepperoni pizza from Virgil's' plate.

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