Game Call - No Ship

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I know this is a Prinxiety and Logicality oneshot book, but I couldn't think of a way to build a proper relationship in something so small and I don't know why I dislike writing fast relationships, it always seems too unrealistic so I'll try to insert hints here.

If you met Patton Picani in the real world, you'd say you have just met the worlds' sweetest man. A vet in training, Patton was polite and lovable. If you met Patton Picani online, you'd have the most kick-ass healer on your team ever.

Fantasy Warlords was the biggest game ever, with avatars you could make from scratch completely, making everyone's' unique. The ability to create teams with other players lets you play with your friends or create the most OP team you can.

Patton's' avatar was a young male, rounded with freckles and glasses. He'd based it off himself, giving the character an angel race and a mage's' staff. He made this character four years ago. He is now level 184 and has played every single map with the worlds' best-ranked team.

A team consists of two to six players. Patton's' team had four. He played healer, obviously.

The tank was played by PrinceRoman. His character was a warrior that Roman always customized to look like the prince from Into The Woods. He'd been the one to share the most about himself to the team, Patton coming in a close second. Roman was into musical theatre but had to accept working as a drama teacher when he never got to Broadway. He'd been the one who'd started and named the team: Could Be Gayer.

Logic, or Logan, was the teams' wizard. He would often be seen closely behind Roman's' avatar, taking out lower level enemies with mostly earth attacks. It had taken a long time for Logan to share anything. He worked as a physics teacher in the same city as Roman, but not the same school. Logan also revealed an allergy to peanuts and a fondness to dogs.

Then there was the teams' ranger. Anxiety had barely shared any information about himself. He kept his mic on mute and had only recently told the others he was a gay cismale. Working as a sniper more than a ranger, he took out a surprising number of foes and had saved Roman from getting his ass whooped one too many times.

Now, Could Be Gayer were going to interact with each other without any violence involved. Patton let out a shaky breath as his brother, Emile, finished setting up the webcam before heading out on his date with Remy. Opening up Fantasy Warlords, Patton clicked on his team, opening it up. He waited for Roman to start the call at one pm.

Suddenly, a request popped up on the screen and Patton quickly clicked join with impressive speed. Risking a glance to the camera, he saw a light pop on. Diverting his eyes to the screen, Patton finally saw one of his best friends.

"Is that Patton I see before me?" Asked Roman, beginning to grin. "You look just like your avatar!"

"Roman!" Squealed Patton

Roman smiled widely. "Hello, Padre! I love your headphones, are those attachable puppy ears?"

Patton nodded vigorously. "I can take these off and put on cat ears too-"

Both men fell a silence as a message popped up on the screen: Logic is joining the call.

"Logan!" The two chorused as Patton watched his screen split into thirds, revealing a slim, spectacled face.

"Greetings, Patton and Roman." Logan smiled and it was adorable. "I must say, it is great to finally see you both, how are you?"

"I'm great!" Beamed Patton. "This is the best day of my life!"

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