Singing With A Siren Pt.2 ~ Prinxiety

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It had been a month since 'The Feeding Of The Sea' festival and Roman would sneak out of the house, every night, with a bowl of strawberries to meet his siren.

Virgil was gorgeous. Like, drop-dead, anime-nosebleed gorgeous. His hair was black and it had tiny, indigo highlights. His eyes were the bright cyan colour of the seas surrounding the Maldives, and he had dark blue skin, to blend in with the ocean he lived in. His tail was long and, as Roman had found out, incredibly strong. Once, he had taken a strawberry from Virgil and then he felt the siren's' tail around his waist and next he was in the water, Virgil eating the strawberry from his fingertips.

Needless to say, he had gotten closer to Virgil over the months. From the first night they had met to today, a lot had changed.

Roman waited as he listened to his mother and father talking in the bedroom down the hall. He crawled out of bed and instantly put on a jacket and swapped his pyjama pants for jeans. He didn't need socks because he'd always wear flip-flops. Silently, he opened his door and padded out into the carpeted hallway, closing his bedroom door behind him. He walked slowly forwards, reaching the stairs and moving down one at a time. Roman was completely soundless as made his way to the fridge and picked up a bowl of strawberries he had prepared before he went to bed. Then he opened the kitchen window and went out that way. The front door was too noisy.

The streets were empty, except for one or two people, who were too busy doing their own thing to notice Roman sneaking down to the coast with a bowl of strawberries. Roman reached the tunnel and carefully began to walk down inside.

"Virgil?" He called out.

His siren suddenly popped up brightly from the water. "Princey!" He chirped, propping himself up on his elbows to look up at the human. "You came back!"

Roman smiled fondly, picking up a strawberry and tossing it to Virgil. It arced in the air and the siren pulled back but caught it between his teeth. "You say that every time," He chuckled, ignoring the fact he got sprayed with water.

"Well, you come back every time too," Virgil answered with a playful roll of his eyes. He pushed his upper body out of the water, lying along his stomach, holding his head in one, webbed hand as he picked strawberries with the other. Roman glanced down at the translucent, dark purple fin that ran down his spine and allowed himself a brief moment to wonder how it had felt. No one had ever touched one of the seafolk, even when they were common. Roman wondered if he'd be the first.

Trying to repress those thoughts, Roman picked a strawberry of his own. "True. Only because you are too beautiful to forget."

The siren scoffed. "Sure, princey, of course I am. It has nothing to do with how the land-walkers haven't seen us in years."

Roman laughed. "Okay, that also participates a large factor into why I'm still around. But you're also beautiful."

Virgil looked up at him, batting those bright, electric blue eyes flirtatiously. "Didn't know I was a mirror.~" He drawled.

Roman blushed.


Roman was turning nineteen today and, honestly, Patton and Logan were expecting him to be a bit more pissed. After all, it was supposed to be his least favourite day today. Publically, Roman was groaning and complaining but, the moment he thought you were looking away there was a small smile on his face. He'd look out to the sea almost reminiscently, daydreamingly excited, and he didn't admit it at all.

And Patton and Logan were determined to find out what it was about.

"Ro, you seem happy today," Patton tried, elbowing his friend with a smirk.

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