Zombie Pt.3 ~ Prinxiety

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"Quick! Get it's' arms, get it's' arms! I'm coming in with the gag, hold it's' head still!" Roman ventured forwards carefully, looking down at the writhing zombie pitifully. Purple was thrashing under Patton's' and Remus's' weight, shouting and growling. Janus was pinning the legs and Thomas was holding it's' head in place.

Those big brown eyes swung up to glare into Roman's' eyes. The intelligence had morphed into anger and, possibly, somewhere, a bit of hurt. Roman looked away and went in with the gag, managing to wrestle it into Purple's' mouth. Thomas took it upon himself to tie it up and Logan threw them the rope from the sidelines. Patton, Janus and Thomas jumped off the zombie but Remus stayed, tying it's' arms in the thick coils of rope.

Don't ask Roman how he had managed to convince Logan to let them try capture Purple, he didn't know. But, somehow, it had happened. Purple still tried writhing out of the ropes but Remus had tied them incredibly well. Logan looked down at it.

"You know," He said slowly. "It's a lot bigger than it looked."

"I know," Janus hummed thoughtfully, folding his arms as he looked down on the squirming creature.

Remus kicked lightly at Purple with his foot. "I'm surprised it was so harmless though. It's a zombie after all." Purple suddenly twisted, snapping at Remus's' ankle, making Roman's' twin screech in an incredibly manly manner.

Janus looked at his boyfriend. "Beautiful, Remus, I love your unphased manner."

Roman rolled his eyes, reaching down for the zombie and pulling it to it's' feet. "He looks like he's about our age, y'know, maybe a little younger. Do you really think you'll get a cure from him, Lo?"

The intellectual narrowed his eyes at Roman but turned his attention to the growling zombie. "I might. It'll have to stop being so hostile, though, and we'll need a lot of time-"

"Yo, guys, not to scare the living crap out of anyone," Thomas began, staring into the distance, "But we've got a horde of zombies incoming right now."

Everyone snapped their heads up to the horizon, where a groaning, stumbling but fast, huge wave of zombies was approaching.

"Oh, sugarcubes," Mumbled Patton with a paling face.

The gang exchanged glances and, for a moment, no one moved. Then they all scrambled desperately into the campervan, like wild dogs escaping. Roman tugged on Purple's' rope trying to drag the zombie with them, but it was staring out at the biggest mass of zombies, it's' pupils dilating until his big, brown eyes were now black and inky. Roman pulled again and it jolted, snapping back into reality, despite a low, territorial growl in the back of it's' throat, slinking after them inside the campervan.

Patton slid the door closed and Logan stared, astonished.

"You brought Purple with you?!" He cried as Thomas smashed the car's' gear out of reverse.

"Well, I wasn't going to leave him out there!" Roman protested.

"It's a zombie, it would've been fine!" Argued Logan, clapping his hands together as if that would somehow beat sense into Roman's' skull.

The actor arched his spine, narrowing his eyes. "Do you want a cure or not, Logan?" He barked, making everyone fall quiet, the only noise coming from the humming engine. "Do you want to bring back your parents? Fix Janus? Help all the zombies go back to their families? We've managed to catch a zombie who isn't trying to murder us and we can try and help him and everyone else."

Logan glared and Roman glared back. Purple let it's' eyes flicker between them and an odd noise came from it, breaking the tension. It was hoarse and harsh, yet light and high-pitched. 

"I think..." Remus began slowly. "...That it's laughing..."

"That's low-key creepy, not gonna lie," Sniffed Janus, backing up slightly.

Patton gasped. "Aww, that's so cute!"

"It's not a kitten, Pat!" Thomas called from the front seat, glancing up into a small rear view mirror to look at his friends.

Logan's' face was a mix of annoyance, hatred and curiosity. "That is... infuriatingly interesting. Possibly, with enough time to study it, we could learn it's' language."

"Yeah, dork, I don't really think it's a language," Remus snorted, sitting down at one of the chairs. "More like noises that make a mood or something. Y'know, like it's currently amused, it growls when it's angry, etcetera, etcetera."

Everyone stared at him. "Woah," Roman said.

"What?" Frowned his twin. "I can say semi-smart things sometimes!"

"Of course, you can, babe," Janus hummed, leaning forward to gently peck his boyfriend's' cheek. "Just please don't do it again, it scares the bloody hell outta me when I start to think you might actually have a brain able to comprehend thoughts not about sex."

Remus snickered, before kissing his half-zombie boyfriend lightly and Logan instinctively covered Patton's' eyes.

"Hey!" Thomas ordered as the campervan swerved violently arund a small zombie child with wide black eyes that had been scrabbling to grab the vehicle. "No gay making out while I'm tryna drive!"


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