"Maybe, 'I love you'?" ~ Logicality

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TW: Angst. Like, a shit load of angst. And a break-up. I'm not sorry. Please don't hurt me.

"Yeah, Janus, we did not do this stuff at school!" Patton laughed, hearing his friend laugh through the speaker.

Patton and Janus hadn't been friends for very long but they quickly had become best friends. For the few months they had known each other, the pair had gone from awkward smiles to hugs, inside jokes, compliments, teasing and getting coffee together. Many people had mistaken the pair for boyfriends. That was a problem.

Because Patton already had a boyfriend.

And Logan hated it.

Every morning, Patton would call Janus. They'd talk for a whole hour before Patton finally replied to Logan's' 'Good morning, beautiful' text. And his text was always the same every day. It always said: Hi kiddo, gm. Srry for the late reply, calling Jan

Every night, Patton would message Janus late into the night. Logan was lucky to even get one singular reply to his, 'Goodnight, Patton. Do you think we could see each other tomorrow?'. It hurt him. He felt replaced and he didn't like that. He was always the second option. The second option if his friends, the second option of his brother, the second option of his parents, the second option of his teachers and he was once Patton's' first choice. And he wasn't anymore.

There was evidence now. Patton called Janus first when he found out his parents were getting a divorce. He hadn't told Logan until a week later. He had only told Logan as an afterthought. And Patton didn't even know how much that had hurt his boyfriend. It made Logan feel worthless, it made him feel useless. How could he love someone if they didn't trust him enough to comfort them?

It was never the right time when Logan called. It was always when Patton was eating dinner with his family, going swimming with friends, helping Virgil in a panic attack, advising Roman on what to wear or he had been texting Janus. But it was okay whenever Janus called. Once, Logan had worked so hard to take Patton out on a date to Patton's' favourite restaurant, an 80's diner. He had reserved Patton's' favourite booth, he was paying and Janus called in the middle of the conversation. And, as Patton always did when Janus called, his boyfriend picked up. Patton had texted Janus for the rest of the date, giggling at the inside jokes and things his friend must've said.

Patton didn't seem to have time to talk to Logan, or even listen. That was the biggest problem, especially in Logan's' eyes. How can you date someone who's so caught up with their best friend spamming them with gifs to listen to you trying to tell them that your father has cancer? How can you date someone who's too busy playing an online game with their best friend to bother paying attention to you when you tell them your father just died?

Logan didn't even want to remember what Patton had said when his boyfriend finally found out, after he eventually tuned into the conversation at the lunch table when he finished texting Janus. But, sadly, it's hard to forget a memory like that. Especially when the first thing Patton says is, "Goodness, Logan, why didn't you tell me?"

At the time, Logan really wanted to say, "I told you twice. You weren't listening." But he had just stayed silent.

And it was Janus Patton called after Logan finally had had enough.

It was around nine in the evening and Patton was preparing his living room for he and Janus because they'd be having a sleepover. The doorbell rang and Patton gasped, instantly thinking it was his best friend, coming around early. He scampered out of the lounge, giggling to himself and he threw open the door to a small disappointment.

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