Musical Chemistry - Logicality

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Mr Picani, younger brother of the school's' therapist was, hands-down, everyone's' favourite teacher. He taught music and he excelled at it. Insisting that everyone called him, 'Patton,' Mr Picani was openly gay and very accepting and he loved it when his students talked with him or asked him questions. Patton rarely gave out homework and, if he did, it would only ever be fun, few weeks long projects.

Mr Berry-Croft was hated. Many students called him Mr Very-Cross behind his back and he taught science to the upper levels. He was strict, formal, often overloaded students with work and rarely smiled, laughed or even looked remotely positive. Even members of the staff weren't friendly around him and he had one friend on the staff team, who was Virgil Black, who taught sociology and psychology. Only Virgil Black called him Logan.

The two were complete opposites. They would never cross each others' paths. Somehow, they did.

~('^')~ ((Gilbert makes a guest appearance-

Patton hurried down the math corridors, smiling briefly at students as he rushed along, sticking close to the wall in the hope to not get in anyone's' way. A sudden gap appeared just ahead of him and he used that time to leap forwards and instantly he collided with someone slightly taller than him, knocking them back.

Logan cursed surprisingly loudly as the marked essays flew from his hold, scattering on the ground. He knelt down, scrabbling for them as he half-listened to the man apologising again and again.

"I am so sorry, oh, here, let me help!" They knelt down before him, also grabbing several sheets of paper. Logan silently hated himself for telling his students to write a minimum of five pages when he had thirty-two students in each class.

"It's my fault," Logan said monotonously, "I should've taken more care when leaving a classroom in a..." The two had reached for the same sheet of paper that sat in the middle of them and their eyes met.

Logan stared, awestruck, at the man before him. He had big, black-framed glasses, similar to his but less sharp, and splatters of freckles on his cheeks and noses. The man's' hair seemed almost fluffy and light, caramel brown filled it, colourwise. His eyes were big and teal, light catching them stunningly.

Needless to say, Patton was having the same reaction. Logan's' slicked, black hair had been jogged from place slightly and it made him look less sharp. His eyes were a navy blue, deep and mysterious and his glasses were more rectangular than Patton's'. His skin was pale and he looked slightly tired, despite the fact he had no dark rims under his eyes.

The two stared at each other when the 'one-minute' bell rang and they both jumped. Logan let go of the paper, allowing Patton to swiftly place it on a pile beside him. Hurriedly, Logan gathered the final sheets and  Patton handed him the pile.

"Th-That's a lot of paper!" Breathed Patton. "How many students do you have?"

"Thirty-two, I just set them a homework task. Sorry, are you a teacher?" Logan frowned.

Patton nodded. "Oh, yes, I teach in music! You?"

"I am a science teacher, majorly presenting chemistry," Replied Logan, feeling the corners of his mouth up-turn slightly. "O-Oh, you should probably head to your class, I wouldn't want to keep you," He assured, jumping to the side as he walked to the stairs that lead down to science.

The music teacher waved, heart in his mouth with odd adrenaline. "Goodbye!" He called just when the late bell sounded. Patton yelped and quickly turned on his heel, bolting his way to his own class.


Patton arrived at his class late and his students instantly knew something was up. Sometimes he would just stop talking mid-sentence or he'd end up rambling on about an old science project he once did for high school.

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