Soulmates ~ Demus

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This is one of those soulmate AUs where whatever you write on your body appears on your soulmate. I'm planning to do a different soulmate au for each ship but we all know I probably won't...

TW: Heavy kissing, swearing, alcohol, implied sex talk, sex mentions (This is a demus oneshot, what do you expect?) slut-shaming and mild angst

Janus looked into his vanity mirror, biting his tongue as he carefully began to apply the golden eyeshadow to his eyes. He was going to the club with his cousin for something very important and did not want to mess anything up. That's when he saw it, creeping up his neck.

For a moment, we wanted to jump for joy, because it had to be his soulmate, who had never attempted to contact him before, when he saw what they were doing.

"Hickeys?!" He shouted at his mirror, pulling down his collar to see a realistic set of purplish, red marks that had been coloured on, likely by a set of pens. "You fucking...."

He cut himself up, yanking up his sleeve across his forearm and snatching up a biro on his desk.

You're a real bitch, you know that?

It wasn't long before he saw a reply being written back.

Just giving you an idea of what I'm gonna do to you when I meet you ;)

Janus was fuming, looking from his arm back to the 'hickeys' in the mirror. He'd have to change now, and he had really been looking forwards to tonight since Virgil, his cousin, had organised it all with his soulmate and, y'know, terrifying your future family-in-law is the best way to make an impression, even if you were 'destined' for each other.

He saw his soulmate write again on his arm.

U there?

Thanks a lot, whore

Woah, jeez, im sorry, lol

Janus didn't respond immediately.

R u rlly that mad?


He huffed and saw his soulmate begin to write something but he scribbled over the letters and instead wrote:

I'm going to wash this off. Bye, dickweed.

Janus stalked into his bathroom, banging open the door and twisting the handle furiously on the faucet, watching water pour into the bowl. He grabbed a hand towel and began to scrub furiously at his skin, leaving it an angry red.

"Little... bitch," He muttered to himself over and over again. "Ruining my evening like that- Who do they think they are anyway?"

After an agonising five minutes of furious scrubbing and scratching at his forearm, Janus had finally managed to get rid of most of the conversation. He slammed the handtowel into the basin of the sink and marched back to his room, swinging open his wardrobe door. He'd have to wear a jacket over his beautifully done outfit, now. Janus sighed, pulling out a leather jacket with golden thread woven into the black back to form a snake. A little too hardcore for a club but it was good enough and hid the 'hickeys'. He went back to his vanity in a foul temper to try and finish his eyeshadow.


The moment Janus saw his little cousin and a hot guy who looked like he worked out rush into each other's' arms, he arched an eyebrow. So it's gonna be like that, Mr Virgil's' Soulmate? Well, he can play like that.

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